New here :D


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Jun 22, 2011

Jessica D.

I discovered Beautylish a few weeks ago, but just started getting into it last night (: This site is everything a beauty-cosmetic-fashion obsessional girl would want! And now, I have it :D This site is amazing and I cannot wait to meet all kinds of new people with the same interests as me.
My name is Jessica, and I am 14, almost 15! I come from Colorado.
If you want to check out my Youtube this is it:
I hope to make some new friends on both here and Youtube!

Jun 22, 2011

Jasmine B.

Hello I'm Jasmine. I'm 15 almost 16. From California
Yeah I just discover this site too. And I agree it's AMAZING
I'll check out your channel. I also have a Youtube channel
Hope you have time to check it out as well :)

Jun 22, 2011

Melanie T.

Hello I found out about beautylish from xsparkage (Leesha) on youtube, I use youtube alot and love makeup. I am 35 years old but young at heart.
and still quite trendy. when I want to be. if you wana check me out
nice to meet you all :) Hi Jasmine Hi Jessica :)

Jun 22, 2011

Jasmine B.

Hi Melanie :)
I'll be sure to check out your channel <3

Jun 22, 2011

Jessica D.

@Jasmine Haha, ironically, I already subbed to you from a different forum (: I love this site so much! I can't wait to see some of your videos and such!
@Melanie Nice to meet you (: I figured out from Twitter, they followed me and I just kinda got into it! So thankful for it. Nice to meet you Melanie! I'll make sure to check out your YT also, if I haven't already subbed, let's look :D

Jun 22, 2011

Korie S.

Hey ladies! Welcome to Beautylish!! :)

Jun 22, 2011

Jessica D.

Nvm, I haven't yet! Just subbed, I can't wait to see some of your videos!

Jun 22, 2011

Jessica D.

@Korie Thank you, nice to meet you! :D

@Andrew I already am having an awesome time, thanks to all you amazing people P:

Jun 22, 2011

Lynn M.

Welcome to the most addicting beauty site lol 

Jun 22, 2011

Ceri G.

Ceri :) Put down the chips and jazz up your lips- a curvy guru

Jun 22, 2011

Hannah S.

Literally just joined beautylish today and I love it already!! great for a 15 year old (nearly 16) such as myself to find product reviews and videos...thanks to Leesha(xsparkage) I have found this amazing website

Jun 22, 2011

Ancilla L.

Joined this site yesterday & I'm addicted haha! Nice to meet you all :)!Will certainly check out your YT! Would be awesome if you could check out my channel too :)! 

Jun 22, 2011

Katrine G.

Hey, I new too ^^! And this is so much fun, and I also found it through Xsparkage, she is like made of awesome xD! Welcome, and I would be happy to be your secret ninja friend^^! 

hey beauties =) so i'm new here but i have a beauty channel in youtube
It would mean alot if you dolls would check it out!

and twitter as well:

xoxo addie

Jun 22, 2011

Marybeth V.

Hey Dolls.
I am so happy I found this site :) Its been amazing so far
would ya all help me out and go check out my Youtube
and my blog
also follow me on twitter so we can tweet Im kinda new to twitter!/Vandeylove


Jun 22, 2011

Kelly S.

I joined this site about 2 days ago & I'm addicted! Nice to meet all of yall!!! I'm a country bumpkin that just loves everything beauty related! Please check out my beauty channel, & also follow me for daily updates at

Jun 24, 2011

Nicole M.

I love this website! its my new obsession. I joined 3 days ago I believe and became addicted :) Its great!

Hi dolls I am currently checking your channels and I would love it if you could check mine