How To Get Rid Of Spots?


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Apr 13, 2013

Maya F.


In 15 and have sooo many spots. I have oily skin. I was wondering if any of you knew of any creams, masks or home remedys that would help. I wash my face with oil free soap every night and it seems to be working but it drys out my skin and my moistraiser just gives me more spots!! Soo are there any good anti spot moistraisers? Xxx

Apr 13, 2013

Janelle S.

I use MaryKay :)

Apr 13, 2013

Ashley W.

Lemon! It helps so much!

Apr 13, 2013

Maya F.

Does it work for you? Xx

Apr 13, 2013

Maya F.


Apr 13, 2013

Maya F.

I also have scars. Any suggestions? X.

Apr 13, 2013

Maya F.


Apr 13, 2013

Maya F.


Apr 13, 2013

Janelle S.

Try using an avocado mask. I also hear that Clinique (can't spell lol) has some scar-reducing items.

Apr 13, 2013

Makenna T.

Lemon and you have to stick with it. I have many scars on my forehead and I used lemon for a week or two and didnt notice much but after about a month the scars were only 25% visible. After using lemon for about two months in my skin twice a day my scars are barely noticeable. Plus if you have like big zit or pimple ect. And you put lemon juice on it at night and keep it on while you sleep than it will be less red and it will reduce in size. Good luck xx

Apr 14, 2013

Maya F.

Thank you soo much x

Apr 14, 2013

Elise H.

I use soap and glory peaches and clean as a face wash, it cleans the pores and prevents breakouts and a warming mineral mask from the body shop

May 14, 2013

Barbara M.

Make a paste of dried and powdered orange peels and milk. Regularly applying this natural bleach for about 20 to 25 minutes per day is one of the most widely used natural home remedies for Dark Skin. Simply applying orange or tangerine juice is also beneficial.