How Is My Smokey Eye?


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Apr 13, 2013

Liz R.

pretty :)

Apr 13, 2013

Katharina C.

pretty :D

Apr 13, 2013

Amby A.


Apr 13, 2013

Dacember S.

I really like the color choices. but it looks alil uneven and blending it a bit more would make a big difference ;)

Apr 13, 2013

Demi H.

Add just little more to under the eye and blend more on top and it's will be fabulous

Apr 13, 2013

Lauren M.

That's a great color on you! :) I would just blend it out a little more, but other than that it's beautiful!  :)

Apr 13, 2013

Toribeth T.

The colours really suit you. I love green but my skins so pale it makes me look bruised :(

Apr 13, 2013

Sarah A.

You need more on your lower eye, thats what creates the smokey look, add more eye liner pencil on top and smudge it too.

Apr 13, 2013

Leidy R.

I agree with cassandra, I think you need to blend the dark color a lil bit so it doesn't look so harsh. (: (I like your eyebrows btw)

Apr 14, 2013

Lauren M.

I usually use a mac 217 brush, and move it in a left to right motion. If that doesn't work, or the color gets too high, get a lighter color (maybe skin toned, or a little lighter) and use a fluffy brush from your browbone to the color until you get the desired look. :)

Apr 14, 2013

Rebekah L.

I agree with more blending, but overall not bad at all. And I have no room to talk about blending that's a comment I always get, lol.