A question about using lemons to even skin tone...


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Apr 15, 2013

Kelly M.

If you've used lemons/lemon juice in any way to help your skin tone, how long did it take before you saw results? And how much did it actually help?

Apr 15, 2013

Sam R.

I've never actually heard of using lemon juice for your skin.

I got results at 2 weeks and it lightened my red acne marks and turned them pink.

Apr 15, 2013

Kelsi Z.

I have sensitive skin and it stung my skin bad.

Apr 15, 2013

Kelly M.

Ok thanks Alexandra! I have some hyperpigmentation spots on my nose and cheeks from being outdoors a lot and I hate wearing foundation, I'm glad to hear this works!

Apr 15, 2013

Kelly M.

@Kelsi: My skin can get a tad sensitive too. I bought the lemons but I have yet to try it out. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

Yea it really works. I also have sensitive skin and it got irritated after a while. I suggest diluting the juice with water before applying and not leaving it on too long.

I also suggest drinking water with lemon juice in it too clear acne and marks internally as well.

Apr 15, 2013

Murphy P.

I drink lemon water alllllllll the time and I've never had any skin problems so I'd say yes it works!

Apr 15, 2013

Priscilla C.

Which lemons? yellow or green?

Apr 15, 2013

Priscilla C.

How do you apply it??directly on your face?, or squeeze in a jar and get some from there?

Apr 15, 2013

Kelly M.

Yellow. If there is such a thing as green lemons (and not limes), then I've never heard of them! And there are many ways that you can apply it on your skin... lemon juice diluted with water, rubbing halves of lemons on the skin, adding lemon juice to a face mask, etc.

Apr 15, 2013

Katie S.

Ilove using lemons! ijst take a small amount of sugar and use a fresh lemon not lemon juice and squeeze it in my hand with the sugar and rub it all over my face and rinse with cold water

Apr 16, 2013

Jessica D.

Use lemon
Juice and honey to even out skin tone. It works the first time!