How To Deal With It.


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Apr 14, 2013

Ella M.

Ok, first of all I know this is a beauty blog but I don't know, I want to post this.
Today I've been called fat and ugly and it really hurt me, I don't know how to deal with it. :/

Apr 14, 2013

Erin M.

Sticks and stones, sticks and stones. It doesn't matter what anyone else calls you, how do you view yourself? That's the ONLY thing that matters. When people call me ugly or unattractive I just shrug it off. I KNOW I'm not and its just people being petty or jealous. No reason to let that hurt me, don't let it hurt you. You're beautiful no matter what anyone says.  <3.

Apr 14, 2013

Jazzy M.

Just don't think about. I've been called so many things "dumb and ugly" but I learned over the years just don't listen to it, Just remenber it's not true and your beautiful!

Apr 14, 2013

Taylor G.

Why would someone say that people just suck. You just have to ignore negative things in yor life. People get jealous and feel insecure so they feel the need insult others. Just remember that and be confident in yourself. You are absolutely beautiful!

Apr 14, 2013

Emily D.

You're beautiful.

Apr 15, 2013

Fer M.

Girl... having some extra its not a Bad thing don't know if you got them... but I do you know and in my family they ussually call me things like that fatty and stuff but do not let them get to you look your self in the mirror and say this: "I am beautiful, I love myself, and I accept myself as I am... perfect" then you smile and ffeel beautiful with make up or not skinny or not tall small crazy hair anything you are pretty gorgeous and amazing just as you are... live it girl!! they are just stupid blind people.

Apr 15, 2013

Dulce R.

The people who days those things to you are unhappy with themselves.. You should feel sorry for them not for your self ( :

Apr 15, 2013

Dulce R.


Apr 15, 2013

Brooke D.

I got called that yesterday!
Don't listen to them. Most of the time when someone picks on you, it's because they're nothing but jealous! And feel bad about themselves so they wanna try and bring someone down.

Was it a girl who said it?
Girls call other girls fat, ugly, a bitch and a slut. Those are the main four words they use, everyone of them, so don't take it seriously, if that's all every girl uses when giving another one shit. If that even made sense? Haha.

You're not ugly at all! And you're not fat, :)

Apr 15, 2013

Toribeth T.

Last week I was at mc donalds getting a straw and stuff and this woman was glaring and muttering as she felt I was taking up to much room even though there is enough room for four people or more she then barged into me so I said she only needed to say excuse me instead if glaring at me. She responded by saying she wasnt and that I'm nothing to look at anyway. I am not surr why she felt the need to say this but I ignored her and she repeated it several times so I walked away. I figured she was just a rude person trying to make someone else feel bad and its the same with the people calling you stuff. I know it can hurt but its not worth feeling down about. They are just stupid people not worth bothering with.

Apr 15, 2013

Lauren W.

The amount of times I have been called names etc! But then I think 'who cares?' You have your own friends and family. They're the only people that matter :)!

Apr 15, 2013

Ella M.

Thanks :)

Apr 15, 2013

Kylee B.

Oh honey, people will hate you. Believe me. What you have to do is ignore them. Let them know that they are irrelevant. You're gorgeous! Keep you head up. ❤

Apr 15, 2013

Paulina C.

I know how you feel girl I've been called the same and there's no guy in my school that respects me its like they all treat me like shit..and I always try to defend myself...but girl youre beautiful and you have to believe in yourself! Youre drop dead gorgeous! I'd do anything to have your eyes and your smile! Last time I talked to a guy in school this is what happened :S.

Ella M.

Calabasas, CA