Help With Oily Skin?! :(


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Apr 14, 2013

Jess R.

I'm 13 and I have really oily skin. I wash my face with a cleansing creme every morning. But it doesn't help that much. Only for a few hours. What should I do?

Apr 14, 2013

Liz R.

Use oil blotting sheets :) they're really cheap and you can get them practically anywhere

Apr 14, 2013

Jess R.

Thank you!

Apr 14, 2013

Felice P.

Also, astringents followed up by moisurizer.

Apr 14, 2013

Francesca G.

Try using a translucent powder to keep your face Matt and to stop your foundation from sliding (if you wear foundation ):)

Apr 14, 2013

Jackie K.

Find a good toner for your oily skin, use blotting sheets, rinse your face w water when you get home to get rid of some oil

Apr 14, 2013

Eleanor W.

I'm the Same I use you Toner and wash ny face only at night

Apr 14, 2013

Elizabeth G.

1 tbs.water,3 tbs granulated sugar,and 1 tsp honey mixed together is great for your skin ;)

Apr 14, 2013

Elise H.

Use a deep cleansing lotion all over your face every night and morning. It dries out the pores so it will help control oiliness

Apr 14, 2013

Lara W.

I know this sounds like a bad idea, but trust me it works! take some rubbing alcohol and water, mix 80-85% water and 15-20% rubbing alcohol and put it in a spray bottle. whenever your face gets oily just mist your face a littlebit. I out mine in a tiny little old perfume bottle so I can use it on the go, but make sure if your facs gets too dry you can moisturize it. don't use too much of the alcohol or it can really dry your skin out. also if you dry your skin too much, your face feels the need to produce more oil, so becareful.