I need opinions...


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Apr 14, 2013

Mariah W.

So I'm 15, and my boyfriend is 20 is that wrong?

Apr 14, 2013

Blanca G.

If your parent approve and he treats you with respect definitely not. :)

Apr 14, 2013

Sarah M.

It depends if he's really controlling. But no it's not. Is there dating age limits? In my country, you can date an adult until your past 18

Apr 14, 2013

Mariah W.

@Sarah no he's really sweet, and caring, and were do you live?

Apr 14, 2013

Mariah W.

@Cassandra @Blanca thanks cause my friends were calling him a pedophile :/

Apr 14, 2013

Sarah M.

Okay so does your parent approve? If so, then go for it, I guess!

Apr 14, 2013

Makenna T.

R you a freshman or sophomore?

Apr 14, 2013

Mariah W.

@Sarah Ohhh, and ya my mom said she was fine with it thanks for your help!

Apr 14, 2013

Mariah W.

@Taylor freshman

Apr 14, 2013

Mayra R.

When I was 15 I had a boyfriend who was 21. We dated for two years. So! Nothing wrong with that. I'm now 18. :) But were not together anymore. Lol but I wish you guys the best. :) Screw what everyone else says, it's your relationship. :)

Apr 14, 2013

Jana S.

He could get in very big trouble.

Apr 14, 2013

Makenna T.

Ok I'm going to be honest and coming from another freshman I'm going to say that if UR parents are ok with that that's fine. But it's kinda weird how UR a freshman and dating a guy who could be in collage. Now I'm not trying to tell you he's a bad person and that you shouldn't date him I'm just giving you my personal honest opinion.

Apr 14, 2013

Tee R.

It's weird. Like your 15 you still are like a little kid growing up and he's 20 starting his life. You Should be with someone your age. Your a high school freshman. He could be a junior in college.

Apr 14, 2013

Cindy C.

My bf is 3 years older than me and we've been together for 3 years :)
The only thing you have to think about is why he's not with someone his own age. Your age gap is quite significant, and you have to wonder about a 21 year old with the apparent maturity of a 15 year old.

Apr 14, 2013

Lacy A.

I completely agree with Nadia.

Apr 14, 2013

Lauren O.

I think aslong as your parents are ok with it, they happy and informed.. and you are comfortable and happy.. continue. If he starts becoming controlling or things feel weird, just talk to someone. Its your life, this is your choice. Good luck :)

Apr 14, 2013

Lizzy M.

I agree with Nadia! The type of problems and decisions that you have in your lives right now are totally different. Think about who you were a year ago - don't you want to laugh at the stupid things you said or did or worried about? Or kids who are three years younger than you - don't their problems seem silly compared to stuff you're facing now?
I'm not saying that you're immature or that you guys shouldn't date, just be aware that things could get complicated when you're at such different stages in your life. Good luck!

Apr 14, 2013

Taylor G.

As long as you're careful because he could get in trouble. But if you're mature enough to be in a relationship like that and he treats you right and it's okay with your parents go for it. Make sure his intentions are good. A girl in my class started dating a guy 10 years older than her when she was a freshman and they actually go married yesterday.

Apr 14, 2013

Dana M.

Well yes, it is wrong. You're in high school worrying about what you're going to wear in summer, while he's in college, wondering what classes he'll take next year. Also, if you guys engage in sexual activities, he can go to jail and be charged as a sex offender. If he really loves you, he can wait until you turn legal (I think 16) and if you really loved him, you wouldn't want to be part of the reason as to why he could ruin his life.

Apr 14, 2013

Madison S.

I don't think it's wrong! There is no specified age limit for love! If he treats you very well, and has all the good features of a great boyfriend, then I say it's ok! My friends parents are actually 8 years apart, they dated and got married and they are still happily married! So there might be a future with you guys! And plus, it's your love so I don't think anybody should have the rights to judge it besides you two! Good luck girly!

Apr 14, 2013

Paulina C.

Ill tell you my honest opinion when I was 14 I dated a 20 year old guy um it was great he was very sweet and everything but it didnt work because of our ages...he wanted parties I couldnt he wanted to watch are movies I could barely watch pg 15 hahahah but yeah it couldnt work and honestly...it won't work but youre still young you can still date and nothing will happen just really think about it ok?

Apr 14, 2013

Taylor K.

Honestly I think its pretty creepy, your still a little girl and he's a grown man. That's just my opinion though.

Apr 14, 2013

Kelly M.

Cindy and Nadia both made very good points. I'd be suspicious of any 20-year-old boy who was interested in a girl that much younger than him, rather than girls closer to his own age and level of maturity and life experience.

Apr 14, 2013

Desiree M.

5 years isnt a big gap if you're 18 but when you're 15 that's kinda weird...not weird of you, but weird of the guy.

Apr 14, 2013

Tegan W.

I was 16 and went out with a 21 yr old I think you just have to make sure you know the guy make sure he is. not just after one thing but I think if your parents are ok with it then he can't be a complete creep just make sure you don't do anything you don't want to and if he tries to force you just leave straight away I know itd be hard but if you don't you will be the one to end up getting hurt.