Is It True Acne Gets Worse With Age?


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Apr 14, 2013

Makenna T.

So I'm thirteen and my forehead ( and only my forehead ) is pretty much covered with acne. when if started to get a little better I told my mum I was so happy it was clearing up and she said its probably going to get worse as I age. Is this true?

Apr 14, 2013

Ashley W.

It really depends on which genes you get. My brother has bad acne because he has my mom's skin but I have little to no acne because of my dad's skin.

Apr 14, 2013

Makenna T.

So my mum says she had little to no acne as a child and my pappy says he had acne pretty much his whole life. I am more like my pappy look/personality/metabolism wise. Does this mean in destined to have acne my whole life?

Apr 14, 2013

Makenna T.


Apr 14, 2013

Sarah M.

Maybe. Or you may get your mums skin

Apr 14, 2013

Kabao K.

You're going through puberty. There's nothing we can do about that darlin'. :( but it does not get worse as you age. I had very bad skin in middle/high school and at 20 I completely stopped breaking out! But we are all different. It will get better!

Apr 14, 2013

Ashlii I.

My 12 year old niece has bad acne on her forehead, she's going thru puberty so it's gotten worse.
It was like one day she came over and bam it all just started happening.
I had acne thru middle school and high school by the middle of my senior year it started to clear up.
I still have a few on the bottom of my chin and I break out bad when I'm on my woohoo and I stress a lot.

But I've noticed it doesn't get worse as I grow older(:
I'm now 19.

Apr 14, 2013

Regina B.

I had some acne when I was a teenager but now that I am in my thirties my skin is way worse. Blackheads where I did not think it was possible to get them on my face. Dark spots and some consistent breakouts in the same areas. I don't know my father but my mother has beautiful skin. I can't really recall a time she ever had a pimple. I take way better care of my skin now than ever before but I feel like it is steadily getting worse. Wish I would have got the better genes :). Good luck and don't stress as the other ladies have advised. It really does make it worse. Just try to do the very best with your skin. And remember... never never sleep in your makeup.

Apr 14, 2013

Tammy H.

I have always suffered with acne, and recently I have been moisturizing with Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion and 100% pure coconut oil. My skin has been flawless since I started. My skin it's combination/dry normally. I can't believe how beautiful my skin has gotten.

Apr 15, 2013

Shelley W.

My skin was scary in my teens but progressively improved as I got older. And learning about diet and various products to help lessen it. Now the only acne that pops up is of the hormonal kind. Thankfully its no where near what it was in my teens. You will grow out this crazy stage with your skin.

Apr 15, 2013

Jamie D.

Its so different with everyone and probably one of the worst things to deal with and treat cause there are so many causes and treatments out there.. anyways I never really had acne in my teens but once I turned 19 I started getting it and it got worse up until 28 then I cleared up and haven't broke out in almost 6 mo. or so. I think my hormones played a role but here are a couple things I changed that I feel did help: cut out all dairy, especially cheese and milk I know that sucks cause I love cheese but every time I eat it the next day I break out, also I cut out all acne products except my benzoyl peroxide wash I use at night, I think they were doing more harm than good... also, wash face twice a day and don't use any hair products since hair is usually touching your face and I started using argan oil as moisturizer at night and now my skin is clear and I am so relieved! good luck to you, hope this may help... I know how bad it sucks to have it. good luck :-)

Apr 15, 2013

Makenna T.

Thank you all SOOO much I'm going to try some of your suggestions and stress less about my acne. Thank you all loveu xx