Need advice for growing African American Hair.


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Apr 14, 2013

Salena J.

I've had this length ( like about down to my shoulders no further) forever how can I get my hair to grow longer!? I wear a silk scarf to bed every night and keep my ends "lotioned" lol.

Apr 14, 2013

A R.

Lol ik how you feel I'm half black and I do a lot of damage to my hair but my hair wouldn't seem to grow now its about 7 inches below my shoulders

Apr 14, 2013

A R.

I didn't really do anything to make my hair longer but.

Apr 14, 2013

Salena J.

Thanks Veronica ill be sure to Google it! Never heard of it. And Adri I'm also half but I have 100% African American hair

Apr 14, 2013

A R.

I deep condition my hair often
And during summer, winter, and basketball season (times I'm on break and when I work out the most) I avoid all heat.
they say not to brush your hair because it will dry out but when I don't brush my hair for long periods of time it creates so much breakage when I start to brush it I try to put conditioner on it before I brush it so that it sooo much easier to comb through

Apr 14, 2013

A R.

And try to use shampoos with little to no sulfates. honestly try not to shampoo your hair so much unless its like super dirty.

Apr 14, 2013

Salena J.

Do you perm your hair or is it Natraul?

Apr 14, 2013

Erin M.

It's not about your ends, it's about your roots. Is your pillow case satin to? Do you oil your hair after you moisturize it? How often do you trim your hair? How often do you deep condition and what kind of shampoo do you use? Our hair is not easy hair and has soooo many factors. Like we shouldn't use shampoos with sulphates, as much as we hate water our hair needs it or some other kind of moisturizer followed by an oil. I use grapeseed oil, black castor oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil as my oil mix. Ever since I started moisturizing and sealing my hair my hair has had a lot of new growth. Also, how often do you wash your hair? We really aren't supposed to wash it too often.

Apr 14, 2013

A R.

No my hair is natural

Apr 14, 2013

Salena J.

I do have a satin pillow case. But I'm really bad when it comes to washing it. I wash it almost every week or sometimes every other week. I am not natural because it tends to break off easily when I do decide to go natural. I used to use Dr.Miracles but I've heard so many bad things about that like they go bald? So now I use a deep conditioner called Apogee. The smell is very irritating though lol.

Apr 14, 2013

A R.

I've tried so many things. But I used to use to use these hair and nails vitamins but I stopped because I heard freaky things.. lol.

Apr 14, 2013

Erin M.

I'm transitioning to natural. I hear the apogee line works really well for our hair. But I would still say that after you wash, and maybe once a week honestly, to moisturize and then seal your hair. When I started doing this with my relaxed hair I noticed a difference immediately. Castor oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, and jojoba oil are supposed to be really good for your hair. I use black castor oil but if you don't have thick hair I wouldn't recommend it. I would say wash every other week as depending on your shampoo it can be stripping your hair of what it needs.

Apr 14, 2013

Erin M.

Oh! Your diet and water intake helps a looooootttt. When I started drinking more water my hair got happier. I've also been taking aphogee hair pills, which has a lot of vitamins but tastes awful, but have helped growth as well.

Apr 14, 2013

Salena J.

Ill be sure to see what is inside of my shampoo. I have also heard something about cold wash ( it may be a different name) were you only use conditioner no shampoo maybe ill start doing that.

Apr 14, 2013

A R.

@Erin what products do you use? for the oils I mean.. and do you use olive oil because I used to but I heard it was drying?

Apr 14, 2013

Salena J.

Aphogee hair pills? Thanks you guys have been a lot of help!

Apr 14, 2013

Erin M.

I can tell you in a bit as I'm not home right now. But I do use olive oil, but I hear extra virgin olive oil is considerably better for our hair. I've done a cold wash before, takes some getting use to. But you can also just do a cowash (washing with conditioner) and you use cold water because it helps seal it in, but not until the end.

Apr 14, 2013

Salena J.

I use Pink oil for my ends at night. Once I finish washing my hair ill put in Right on oil and rap my hair and sometimes when I wake up and if I have a lot of spilt ends ill use Spilt Remedy which really helps. I cut my spilt ends about every 4 weeks.

Apr 14, 2013

Butta J.

You should use Jamaican black castor oil and coconut oil... they help my hair I'm's all about moister when it comes to your hair

Apr 14, 2013

Salena J.

Thanks for all the info c:

Apr 14, 2013

Andi S.

So my hair started thinning from stress over a year ago and it took me a really long time (and trying just about every high end product) to figure out what would work for me. Keep in mind that while we are the same ethnicity everyones hair is different and takes to different things! Biotin is great and will definitely make your hair grow but you have to make sure to take a pretty large amount and to replace the water it sucks out of your body and devotes to your hair (or it will cause breakouts) along with a serious no heat regimen. Coconut oil is a hair god because it is literally the only oil that penetrates the pores of hair and skin! Coconut oil also repairs damaged/broken ends and it is key to add water to your hair daily and lock it in with an oil after!! As far as shampoo and conditioning go cowashing is great for African Americans as long as you do shampoo sometimes to reduce build up (like two or three times a month). I have tried almost every high end brand and/or African aimed product out there and my best results have been from switching to organic, agian with the coconut oil I use the organix coconut milk shampoo and conditioner. While I am pregnant and that alone promotes hair growth (mostly because of the biotin in my prenatals) my hair has grown over 7 inches in less than 7 months!! As far as brushing goes, everyone needs to brush and detangle their hair unless they do want to end up ripping through it when they do finally detangle the key is just brushing with a wide tooth comb or detangling brush ONLY when its dry!! Your hair is at its most venerable state when its wet and will ALWAYS break when detangled wet!! I have heaed the silk pillow case thing and that is my next step because of course it makes sence that when hair rubs against fabric it breaks, that being said my hair has managed to grow without it!! Also trim regularly (but not as often as Caucasian hair) as it promotes the hair to focus a bit more on the roots as opposed to repairing damaged ends but if you trim to often you may not see results which can be discouraging!! I hope this helps you and you find the regimen that fits your hair journey!! Part of being a womeb is being confident in your hair and women of every race and creed deserve the chance to have luscious locks!! Good luck girly!!:)

Apr 14, 2013

Errin R.

Check out helped me and my two sisters.

Apr 14, 2013

Salena J.

Thanks for all the help C:!!

Apr 15, 2013

Taylor Marie S.

@ Adri R., I take vitamkns too. What kind of freaky things did you hear?..sorry to be nosy.

Apr 15, 2013

Taylor Marie S.
