I want to be a model, what do you think?


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Apr 11, 2013

Niamh S.

Well I like the idea of being on a catwalk, but I may not grow tall enough. Its hard to tell as I'm only 13, but there's not really any tall people in my family. I'm 5"1 and I know I still have a lot to grow. Kate moss is 5"7 so I might have a chance. But if all else fails there's options to do adverts/commercials. Like for skin care and hair advertising, clothes etc..

Apr 11, 2013

Niamh S.

Here's some more photos:)

Apr 11, 2013

Niamh S.


Apr 11, 2013

Niamh S.

Here's kinda a full body shot, I'm quite slim..

Apr 11, 2013

Sandra R.

What do I think? mm is say just go for your dream:) you just give it a try and do whatever makes you happy:)

Apr 11, 2013

Emily L.

Omg I am jealous you are so pretty!! You should be a model!!

Apr 11, 2013

Sandra R.

& your beautiful by the way:)

Apr 11, 2013

Niamh S.

thanks girls:)

Apr 11, 2013

Angelica K.

I'd love to be a model too! Honestly I think you're stunning. If its what you really want to do go for it(:

Apr 11, 2013

Kristina R.

I've been in the modeling business of and on, and let me tell you, you've got the look for it that's for sure! Absolutely gorgeous. Down side is you do have to be 5'7" to do any runway work, but you've got some time to grow!

Apr 11, 2013

Kristina R.

If you submit for any modeling jobs, or for getting an agent, use the second picture you posted. It shows all your wonderful features!

Apr 11, 2013

Niamh S.

Thank you so much!:)

Apr 11, 2013

Niamh S.

Ok thankyou, are you english? becuase I'm english, and I don't know if there are any good agencies that I could get into.

Apr 11, 2013

Wilda C.

Me too! I'm the same age as you. I'm 5'3 but the only all people in my family is my dad so I don't know if ill grow taller. But I seriously want to become a vs model.

Apr 11, 2013

Poonam M.

You are very beautiful (:

Apr 11, 2013

Niamh S.


Apr 11, 2013

Sarah J.

Too short.

Apr 11, 2013

Niamh S.

Not for catalogue, or advertising?

Apr 11, 2013

Angharad N.

I know this sounds geeky but I know this formula for working out how tall people will be!! if your 13 your about 95% of your final height. If your 5"1 (thats 154cm). sooo... 154 divided by 95 multiply by 100 devided by 1... equals 162cm so ull be around 5"4. I don't think this will be tall enough sorry... :(

Apr 11, 2013

Izzie B.

Hey Niamh.S I'm from England and you could google model agencies and lots will come up and also sorry Angharad but could you do my height as well please!! I'm 5"4 and 13 so how tall would I be? I don't get how you did that!!

Apr 11, 2013

Jennifer P.

You're very pretty and you're still growing! So you may be tall enough to do runway modeling some day. :) Try making an account on modelmayhem.com or something too, that site's a really good place to build relationships with photographers, other models, makeup artists, etc. and build a reputation and learn the business a bit more.  :)

Apr 11, 2013

Niamh S.

thanks:) x

Apr 11, 2013

Niamh S.

I guess it depends wether you've had your growth spurt yet, or how far you are into puberty. Aha but there are plenty other modelling oppurtunities besides catwalk:)

Apr 11, 2013

Brooke S.

Ya I model too and I did a little shoot today too! You my dear are beautiful and can make it but you just need to make your legs and neck look taller ok? I hope you get where you want to go!

Apr 11, 2013

Brooke S.

I don't do catwalk tho I'm too short.