My Eyelashes Grow Down Help!!


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Apr 11, 2013

Eleanor W.

Hi people,

has anyone got any clues of how I could make my eyelashes curl like normal eyelashes and why Do they grow down??
btw I'm tired so my looks nothing like my eye

Apr 11, 2013

Gaby E.

It must just be genetic, nothing you can really change, but I guess curling them with a curler is the only solution, sorry!

Apr 11, 2013

Mary J.

Same here & the curler doesn't help much.

Apr 11, 2013

Eleanor W.

Oh okay Thanks I've tried heated eyelash curler and the Manual Ines but nothing works so I will try the clear mascara sololution xx

Apr 11, 2013

Karla F.

When you curl your lashes clamp it for like 5seconds so it stays. If it truly doesn't work then you can try applying mascara and then curling them? I don't really recommend that but it might work.

Apr 11, 2013

Eleanor W.

Okay thank you but some people say its Bad to curl your lashes after applying mascara.

Apr 11, 2013

Ashley K.

Put mascara in between your thumb and your first finger and use that to shape your lashes.

Apr 11, 2013

Eleanor W.

Thank you I will try that xx

Apr 11, 2013

Megan B.

Use an eyelash curler :)

Apr 12, 2013

Eleanor W.

okay x