Help! My Hair Is So Dry!


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Apr 13, 2013

Ashley W.

I use the garnier leave in conditioner and it really heals the split ends and moisturizes your hair :)

Apr 13, 2013

Kelly M.

Avocado is very moisturizing. Burt's Bees makes an avocado butter pre-shampoo treatment (it's amazing!), or you could just mash up an avocado and use that as a mask.

Apr 13, 2013

Tea R.

I have dryish hair and this stuff is awesome I put it in after washing my hair with anit frizz s/c and put this is when my hair is a little wet the next morin my hair feels and looks grate I'm on my 2ed bottel its helping heaps plus it smells so good

Apr 13, 2013

Kristina R.

Egg yolks and mayo. Leave it in for 45 mins. Bam. Super hydrated and shiny hair.

Apr 13, 2013

Sarah M.

Moroccan oil.
Or try Herbal Essences Hello Hydrated

Apr 13, 2013

Asante C.

Sounds really plain but drink more water!!

Apr 13, 2013

Chloe A.

Condition your hair twice on the second time focus mainly on the bottom of your hair ;)

Apr 13, 2013

Silvia U.

Coconut oil! :)

Apr 13, 2013

Chelsie L.

Morrocan oil with the shampoo & conditioner

Apr 13, 2013

Ashlyn N.

Moroccan oil for sure!... also if you have the money keratin treatments do WONDERS!!

Apr 13, 2013

Manal M.

Try the R&B leave in moisturizer from Lush, it's amazing.

Apr 13, 2013

Lakeisha L.

Herbal essence hello hydration is
also, olive oil mixed with a little honey is good too.

Apr 13, 2013

Jessica D.

I got a Moroccan Aragon Oil mask from Sally's that is amazing. My hair is very dry as well so what I do is wash my hair at night towel dry (actually if you have curly hair like I do an old t-shirt is better than a towel is, it minimizes frizz) then I put the mask in, wrap some plastic wrap around my head, but a couple of bandanas and go to bed. The following morning I rinse. The difference is amazing.

Apr 13, 2013

Laura C.

When you wash your hair, make sure your focusing on the scalp and not on the length. put condition half way down your hair before you shampoo!

Apr 14, 2013

Liz B.

Right now I have vo5 that comes in a tube in my hair. (been looking for the female scent - any tips?