Help With Highschool


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Apr 12, 2013

Danielle D.

I'm a Freshman transferring to a regular high school. (mines an art school) The dress code is fingertip length, 4 fingers on the shoulder, no mid-drift, nosuper low cut shirts, and if you wear leggings you have to cover your butt:)
My school has never had a uniform or a dress code so I have no idea what's "apropriate" or normal.

Apr 12, 2013

Hana J.

Just don't wear anything super revealing

Apr 12, 2013

Sarah S.

Those sound like my schools rules. Basically just don't look like a stripper! Hahaha. My school is lenient on short lengths as long as they are appropriate. I wear leggings with a cute shirt, jean jacket, and scarf and never get in trouble. Just look classy!

Apr 12, 2013

Vaishnavi T.

In that case!! You can wear shorts not too short length till your knee. You can wear jeans with a shirt n tank top.

Apr 12, 2013

Ellen R.

Just wear some jeans with a cute top!

Apr 12, 2013

Kelsey B.

Jealous! My school has uniforms, both a winter and summer one - Urghhh Australian schools!

Apr 12, 2013

Elle B.

Go for Blair's look not Serena's ;)

Apr 12, 2013

Danielle D.

Thanks ladies!! I won't look like a stripper! ;)

Apr 12, 2013

Emma C.

Elle b I get you:]

Apr 12, 2013

Olive K.

If you are hesatent about something you are wearing and think you might get in trouble, keep an extra outfit in your locker or bookbag.! (:

Sigh. I have a uniform too!! South African schools... well, mine has a few teachers that would've been good friends with Hitler.

Apr 13, 2013

Maruby M.

What's wrong with leggenings?;(

Apr 14, 2013

Isabel H.

Those are similar to my school rules and as long as you follow those rules you'll be fine.