Help Me With My Sister's Hair.


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Apr 19, 2013

Clarissa H.

My sister has just dyed her hair red but isn't happy because it isn't the bright red that she wanted now she wants to try and get lighter so she can put a brighter red on, what could she do, doesn't really want to bleach it.

Apr 19, 2013

Kimberley R.

I use crazy col over mine and it brightens it up a lot!

Apr 19, 2013

Clarissa H.


No she doesn't need to bleach it at all so don't! Go to Sally's and get the loreal bright reds hi lift color- it will lighten and deposit a red color all at once- use a protein filler on damp hair twenty mins before you color &then apply the color over it and it will make the color even root to tip as well as help reduce/prevent damage! I wouldn't suggest doing anything else but this for red hair. Also another tip is when you get the developer to go with it you can choose from and pick how many levels she wants to lift 40 for the highest brightest lift and 10 will deposit the most color. The girls at Sally's will help you too- & you can YouTube it to see the results but depending on the color you choose you want all the way from rhianna red to a darker more auburn red. Also if she does this and still wants it brighter I'd wait a week and deep condition well and do it again for a brighter color. Good luck!! Xo.

Apr 19, 2013

Clarissa H.

That really helped, thanks

Apr 19, 2013

Marcelina C.

Crazy colour works great :)

Apr 19, 2013

Heather M.

Woah there. Before you destroy her hair STOP coloring it. If you JUST dyed it she's just going to have to live with it for a few months. If she absolutely can't go to a salon and get it done, other wise you're risking messing it up more.

Apr 19, 2013

Kelia O.

Is it sunny where you live? If so, put lemon juice on hair and sit in the sun! I would also google "natural hair lightening" xx

Apr 19, 2013

Clarissa H.

Okay thankyou, I will let her know heather m. and kelia o no it's never sunny here, but I googled about lightning hair earlier and all it could give me was bleached which is a no no. x x