Badvingrown Hairs, Suggestions Please!


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Apr 20, 2013

Sinéad K.

Ok I get really really deep ingrown hairs on my bikini line when I wax or shave I have really dark coarse hair and I can't afford laser at the moment, they sometimes go into big boils and I can't get rid of them. Any suggestions :)

Apr 20, 2013

Sinéad K.

Oops can't spell *bad ingrown

Apr 20, 2013

Janice M.

Have you tried tendskin or paula's choice skin relief treatment liquid?

Apr 20, 2013

Jodie A.

Sometimes you can hook the hair out with a sterilised needle (sounds a bit gross I know) but exfoliation really helps in preventing them.

Apr 20, 2013

Sinéad K.

Janice no I have never heard of either of them, jodie I do that a lot actually sometimes its the only way I can get them out as they are so deep x

Apr 20, 2013

Shauna S.

Do you shave or wax often? If shaving always use a new razor to reduce irritation. Make sure to soak the skin area before shaving to make the hairs softer and easier to be removed. Shave with the direction of hair growth and if you really want to be clean shaven then shave against hair growth (but this will cause more irritation). Also use a shave gel, I use Aveeno shaving gel. Make sure to exfoliate your skin a couple days before as well which will really help. After shaving apply bikini zone cream to the area. I swear by this stuff it works amazing.

Apr 20, 2013

Sinéad K.

I shave and wax but try to avoid it due to the ingrown hairs. Thanks shauna ill give it a go I will try anything at this stage x