Help I have cystic acne.


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Apr 20, 2013

Christie W.

I got a chemical peel, does this wok?

Apr 20, 2013

Dominique M.

All depends

Apr 20, 2013

Christie W.

Depends on what? I have no clue about then all I know is I did one

Apr 20, 2013

Christie W.

And it kinda hurt

Apr 20, 2013

Lisa P.

Ugh I had cystic acne it's the worst , also is usually hormonal and or something your eating and not digesting properly - chem peels helps with scarring

Apr 20, 2013

Leah C.

I don't really think chemical peels work that great... If you have acne I don't know if a peel is the right thing to do it might flare up your face. It will peel for a few days just keep it well moisturized and do not pick of peel off dead skin.

Apr 20, 2013

Christie W.

Thanks! Y'all gals are amazing, I'm definitely love to know I ain't the only one with this problems!!

Apr 20, 2013

Jen R.

Try vitex

Apr 20, 2013

Lisa P.

Yes agree with Leah it will flair up active cysts - I was put on a light birth control and anti biotic (which isnt the always the answer for everyone) but I battled with it for years and I'm native american and italian so I was scarring so bad from them but that regimen and keeping a super clean face and using oil free products rid me of cystic acne! It's definitely something I would see a dermo about!

Apr 20, 2013

Christie W.

See I use amazing product and keep it oil free, it might be hormonal. I wasn't thinking that

Apr 20, 2013

Christie W.

What's vitex Jen!

Apr 20, 2013

Misty S.

Emu oil works great my bestie is using it cleared it up

Apr 20, 2013

Alletta F.

Try benzoyl peroxide and retinol cream

Apr 20, 2013

Tanya M.

After having acne for over ten years, I have to say that there is not one solution - you have to find the combination that works for you. For me, it is a combination of topical treatments (retin-a, azeleic acid), antibiotics 6 mos out of the year, facials, and believe it or not, a really good moisturizer.

Apr 20, 2013

Christie W.

I'll definitely have to try all these thanks! This is how bad it gets and I cover it with makeup, without its worst

Apr 20, 2013

Jen R.

Vitex is a herb that helps balance out hormones. I suffered much worse than you have and my skin has done a 360. It won't help with hyperpigmentation but that fades over time. I tried everything from skin care systems to birth control (which helped a bit but makes me very depressed) to diet changes and antibiotics. I started having acne at about 20 years old. I'm 27 now. Read about it first. There have been no side effects except my cycle went from about every 35+ days. To every 30. And my pms is not nearly as bad as it was in terms of mood swings and best tenderness. Its also known as chaste tree berry extract. I got it from vitamin shoppe it want very expensive. You have to take it everyday. Its best to take it at the same time. (I take mine in the morning) right before my period now I might get one or two spots but nothing comparable to the size and healing time that I was dealing with before. Give it some time to work. They sat it takes about 3 months, I noticed a big difference after two. Good luck!

Apr 20, 2013

Jen R.

Dirty fit the typos (Swype type) it wasn't expensive! Lol.

Apr 20, 2013

Jen R.

Sorry for jeez! Lol.

Apr 20, 2013

Christie W.

Thanks so much, I will definitely try it out, I'm so desperate

Apr 23, 2013

Alletta F.

Is your skin even oily?

I've had hormonal acne as a teen, and I discovered that I have a really sensitive skin and switching to soft products (sephora pink line is great) cleared the problem up. My skin doesn't tend to be oily at all and in winter is quite dry, but I get mostly small bumpy acne if I'm using something my skin doesn't like. Every now and again I get a cyst, this usually solves itself. Using a soft scrub or peel-off mask is great in terms of prevention, but never ever do this on a zit as it will open up and cause more.

Apr 24, 2013

Christie W.

Thanks see, I was on nexplanon and just removed it today to see if that's the problem, I changed my birth control to see if there if it improves