Naturally White Teeth


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Apr 20, 2013

Tijana P.

Use strawberries (I know they are red!) and baking soda as a highly effective and natural teeth whitener. Oil pulling (swishing oil in the mouth and then spitting) is also an effective way to whiten teeth.

How to Do It:Make a paste of equal parts mashed or pureed strawberries and baking soda. Put in mouthguard or tooth tray and leave on teeth for up to 30 minutes. Repeat a couple times a week until your teeth are as white as you want. To speed things up, swish with 1 TBSP of olive oil each night for 20 minutes and then spit and brush well. This supposedly helps remove toxins too, but I can certainly vouch for its whitening capabilities!

Apr 20, 2013

Emma T.

Does it make your teeth sensative? I use Chrest white strips but they make my teeth so sensative!

Apr 20, 2013

Susie S.

I use whitening mouthwash.

Apr 20, 2013

Tijana P.

I have no enamel on my teeth which kinda sucks but this didnt make my teeth sensitive but then again we are different so I'm not to sure with other people my mother has really soft teeth and she still does it every now and again...BUT I must say it doesn't taste good so brush your teeth right after:)

Apr 20, 2013

Tijana P.

Also don't do it every day (3 times a week for 2 weeks) just because strawberries is not really good for your teeth but it is in a way ( if you get me) what I do is put more baking soda then strawberries... baking soda is a whiter and if your looking for just something to get yellow off your teeth then this is really good :)

Apr 20, 2013

Yvette U.

If your teeth are sensitive when whiteing try ACT fluoride rinse ( green one) find it at your supermarket in the dental aisle.

Apr 20, 2013

Samantha S.

The oil trick really works for whitening??

Apr 20, 2013

Kelly M.

@Tijana, I don't have enamel in some places either, due to kidney complications from birth to age 8 and all the meds I had to be on, my adult teeth developed with less enamel. Does it still whiten the places without enamel?

Apr 20, 2013

Micah P.

I've tied many different remedies to whitening your teeth. Never found the one that worked out "best" for me but I'm open to new ideas! Thanks.

Apr 20, 2013

Yvette U.

No. enamel is the only part that gets white. under enamel is dentin and that stays yellowish.