Hair falling out


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Apr 23, 2013

Thasnia B.

My hairs been falling out a lot recently and I don't know why! It falls out loads in the shower and when I blow dry it, how can I stop it?

Apr 23, 2013

Anjenae H.

Maybe your not getting enough iron.

Apr 23, 2013

Emma T.

Don't put off seeing your doctor. Not to be an alarmist, but this could be serious.

Apr 23, 2013

Sarah M.

Mine does the same, but I've heard it's just the season...

Apr 23, 2013

Lara C.

It could also be stress. but when a lot of hair falls out, normally therea a bigger problem behind it. you should see a doctor.

Apr 23, 2013

Savanna S.

It could be a number of reasons so I would definitely ho to your dr asap. I had alopecia when I was younger and still have it mildly now, it was induced by stress and made it fall out gradually in large quantities to the point I would have small bald spots. it could also be caused by iron deficiency like Anjenae said or it could also be because if a skin condition like psoriasis or eczema, I too have these on my scalp and the scratching can cause significant hair loss because of the stress I'm putting on my roots. so yeah I advise you go see a specialist.

Apr 23, 2013

rosemily d.

Girl I'm with you. mine falls out like crazy it has been for a few years. ppl always say something out my hair falling out all over the place. how do I tell if its iron in need? I already take a multivitamin and biotin and have been off and on for like 2 years...

Apr 23, 2013

Savanna S.

Emalee your dr can send you to get blood work done so they can test your iron levels.

Apr 23, 2013

Amber K.

I used to be a vegetarian, and noticed about a month after I stopped eating meat that my hair was looking very dull and thin, and there was much more coming out when I brushed my hair than before. I started taking iron supplement tablets, and my hair soon started to look fuller and glossier, and it was much stronger!

Apr 23, 2013

rosemily d.

okay thank you :)

Apr 23, 2013

Emily P.

I cannot agree more with everyone above! Hair falling out is a warning sign of some underlyig condition. For me, it signaled a thyroid condition (they're really common) or anemia. I've also seen this as a result of lack of nutrients. if you have changed your eating patterns lately or haven't gotten iron or some other mineral, you may be lacking. I would take a multi vitamin and make sure I get enough calories through a balanced diet and schedule a doctors appointment. It may be nothing, but its always better to be safe than sorry. :)

Apr 23, 2013

Roz X.

I had this issue a few years ago and it was my thyroid. I agree that a doctor is an excellent idea.