KNOW the difference


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Apr 23, 2013

Kirsten M.

Who else feels the same?...I have just been scrolling through looking at everyone's posts and I absolutely hate it when I see someone being completely rude. I understand that sometimes someone is asking for an opinion but if you can't say what you have to say respectly then keep your mouth shut. It's a simple concept really. For the most part many seem so supportive on here and I absolutely love that! I just wish people knew the difference between giving advice and lashing out at someone just to be a bitch. Well thanks for reading my rant for the night :)

Apr 23, 2013

Jamyra P.

I agree I've seen some really rude posts on here..

Apr 23, 2013

Kirsten M.

It really angers me when I see them..and usually the person being rude really doesn't have room to talk. And the beautiful girls on the outside don't realize how ugly their rudeness makes them.

Apr 23, 2013

Jamyra P.

So far for me the beauties have been supportive and nice but thea will always be someone with nothing better to say then just be rude...don't they know rude is an ugly color on ppl...

Apr 23, 2013

Maggie M.

Like notably rude? Or just against the grain? It sounds like you're saying every opinion should be dripping in honey lol..

Apr 23, 2013

Mikayla B.

Welcome to the real world!

Apr 23, 2013

May R.

Rude people mostly ugly and insecure I'm just saying lol.

Apr 23, 2013

Lizzy M.

They might say 'if you asked for an opinion, you're going to hear the truth,' but there's a way to express your opinion kind and respectfully without breaking someone down. If your opinion is that their outfit is "so ugly and horrible," keep it to yourself. There's no excuse for bullying.

Apr 23, 2013

Kirsten M.

@maggie I did not say the opinions should be "dripping in honey". It's called respect. There's a difference between "you look ugly" or "your outfit is hideous" as opposed to saying "maybe you could try this instead". It's just called being respectful. It's not a hard task.

Apr 23, 2013

Isabel S.

I feel te exact same way. Give the truth but you don't have to be mean about it.

Apr 23, 2013

Alma M.

I agree, it's sad and annoying especially when it's a person who had admitted their insecurities before on this site then you see them be awful on someone else post.that's the kicker I don't get.

Apr 23, 2013

Emma T.

Agreed. @alma.m yep thats a very annoying one!

Apr 23, 2013

Ashley S.

Exactly! If I don't have anything nice to say, I just keep it to myself. The Internet is such a hateful place and I don't like adding fuel to the fire. Everyone is beautiful whether its on the outside or the inside, it's still beauty! Why can't all us girls respect one another and help each other out? Xo.

Apr 23, 2013

Maggie M.

I must be missing something..or not looking at the right posts. I mean I've seen a few "no it's ugly" comments but not things I would consider really mean. Hmm. I'll have to pay more attention..

Apr 23, 2013

Ashley S.

I want to say something really sarcastic to the above comment, but I'm not :) it's the Internet and if you have NEVER seen a nasty comment made about another human being, then you must be missing something. I want to look at the posts you're looking at that way I don't have to see negativity.

Apr 23, 2013

Maggie M.

Obviously I've seen nasty comments on the Internet Ashley..I was specifically referring to BL so let's not get sassy ;D but see that's the thing. You can't put this many girls on a beauty related website and not expect a little catty action. Especially considering the massive emphasis we put on all things beauty related, add to that strong personalities/opinions and I'd actually say we're doing quite well around here.

Apr 23, 2013

Maggie M.

On the flip side I find it equally as annoying that nearly every comment that comes out of some girls is so sugar coated that there's not even a useful word in the whole bit. It would be awfully boring to only be exposed to those threads..

Apr 23, 2013

Alma M.

As an MUA I have to agree a little with @Maggie about the sugar coated answers but in no way does it make is boring.I just think things can be said truthful with a proper way of respectful manners or not comment at all.If I answer I'm coming from a place of experience and sometimes it gets over looked lol butt other then that as being on the site about a year even before it became a App a lot of the rudeness did get bad for awhile but lately it has shimmer down a bit but like I said in my previous response you do get the girls that have mentioned insecurities in themselves but are the same ones being rude on other post.I remember faces lol who said what and so on..I just shake my head like wow.

Apr 23, 2013

Alma M.

I meant but lol not butt darn auto correct.

Apr 23, 2013

Brittany O.

I agree you don't have to sugar coat it, but replying with some tact is nice... It's easy to word something so that it's not offensive, negative people just need to feel good by insulting others. This website is for sharing ideas and opinions, not for cutting people down.