Has Anyone Done The Military Diet?


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Apr 24, 2013

Mikayla B.

How'd it work?!?

Apr 24, 2013

Fer M.

No I havent but I'm doing a mini boot camp workout... its hard but works.

Apr 24, 2013

Sasha W.

The best diet you could ever do is the Paleo diet. It's hard but it works. My brother lost 100 lbs in 6 months and it's completely healthy for you.

Apr 24, 2013

Taylor G.

What's the military diet?

Apr 24, 2013

Hali H.

Girl I went to school with lost like 7 lbs in 3 days on it.

Apr 24, 2013

Lyndsey S.

Lol the military diet? My army life involves me waking up by 6am every morning and running in the cold ran for about 4 miles and well doing lush ups and sit ups...best thing I can recommend is you get out there and exercise :) best thing for you loves!

Apr 24, 2013

Lyndsey S.

Push ups* lol

Apr 24, 2013

Jennifer F.

What is the military diet and does it work?

Apr 24, 2013

Cynthia A.

What's the paleo diet?

Apr 24, 2013

Sasha W.

Paleo is the "hunter/gatherer type diet based on our ancestors. Basically, no processed foods. You eat meat, veggies, fruit, seeds and nuts. Not only will you feel better but weight will just melt off of you!

Apr 24, 2013

Sarah J.

The Paleo diet sounds good. What is the military diet?

Apr 24, 2013

Rose M.

Wow! 100 lbs in 6 mons! where do I get more info on that Paleo diet?

Apr 24, 2013

Wilse H.

Lol Lyndsey you got that right... Now for us is damn pull ups... Yuck.

Apr 24, 2013

Sasha W.

Go to paleodiet.com. It's by the founder if the diet. The first week or two is rough, you may actually feel a bit sick because if the lack if processed sugar and carbs but after that you will feel amazing. My brother did it like 100% but they actually recommend doing 80% Paleo and allowing 20% wiggle room.

Apr 24, 2013

Amber K.

Wow, I've never heard of the Paleo diet. It sounds fantastic! Nothing better than a diet that still allows you to eat things like nuts and fruit!

Apr 24, 2013

Sasha W.

Well obviously different things work for different people. Plants are very essential in Paleo, especially leafy greens. Also, eating no processed foods greatly lowers your risk of heart disease and diabetes as well. Paleo is definitely not for vegetarians though, so if you are one I would stay away from it.

Apr 24, 2013

Ever C.

I didnt eat for like a week and lost 20 lb

Apr 25, 2013

Rose M.

@Ever C...LOL! I don't think that's a healthy way to lose weight.

Apr 25, 2013

Rebekah L.

Oh, not eating is horrible for your body...you need nutrients for your body to function properly. I never heard of the military diet, although I was in the military for 8 years, lol.

Apr 25, 2013

Pip A.

Can't go wrong with paleo diet. Our ancestors ate that way. It should be called the human diet.

Apr 25, 2013

Pip A.

We are meant to eat meat.

Apr 26, 2013

Alma M.

Ok I just read about the military diet because I was curious after reading this,I've never heard about it and my husband is in the military.Its funny it said it helps to loose 10 pounds a week and that the military does it and the kicker was what they said If the government trust it! Why wouldn't you!? Lol really wow this is news to me.