Hairstyles Without Heat


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Apr 23, 2013

Holly D.

Send me a pic of your best hair styles because I never know what to do with mine and it would help :)

Apr 23, 2013

Majdda D.

Hey holly I think the best way to curl you hair is to rap it with paper your whole hair and sleep with it like that until the morning you will look amazing its an awesome triq xoxo majda.

Apr 23, 2013

Holly D.

Yh thanks for the great ideas going to defo try them & thanks Majdda I'm going to try that thanks a lot it really helped :) how shall I rap it in paper? Xoxox

Apr 23, 2013

Shannon K.

I jus do a messy bun.

Apr 23, 2013

Alondra G.

I recommend beautyklove on youtube. Her channel is awesome. She has many ways of curling etc. without heat and they work. I've tried them