HELPPPP!! my hair is so stupidddddddd.


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Apr 23, 2013

Grace C.

My hair is so oily... What could I doto help... And is there anyway I can make my hair straight without a straightener??

Apr 23, 2013

Megan M.

If you wash your hair every day stop because it strips your hair of its natural oils meaning it has to produce more faster afterwards. It'll suck at first but once your hair gets used to being washed less (2 weeks to a month ish) it'll get way less greasy. This totally worked for me. You can still shower too so it's easier to style but just don't shampoo or anything. You could also try dry shampoo! Bed head makes the best I've tried for about twenty bucks a bottle and it works miracles! Baby powder is supposed to do the same thing so you can sprinkle a bit of it in your hair and brush it out if you don't wanna buy the dry shampoo. Straightening your hair will make it oiler too by pulling the oil through it and damaging it. I brush my hair while I blow dry and that helps it turn out straighter. I hope this helps you! Good luck!

Apr 23, 2013

Karla F.

Stop washing your hair with harmful detergents in them like pantene for example v.v unfourtuantely many commercials for shampoos contain these chemicals. Using it every day will.kill your hair. Use organic products instead like burts bees or wen (: wen is niiiicce

Apr 23, 2013

Aimee L.

Baby powder takes out oil putting your hair in a ponytail help it get straight.

Apr 23, 2013

Macaely N.

There is a formula if you look on pinterest that says to use a brown sugar and water combination I haven't tried it but it seems to work.

Apr 23, 2013

Macaely N.

My comment earlier was for the straightening issue just a little FYI sorry.

Apr 24, 2013

Grace C.

Thank you guys sooo much!!