How To Stop Nail Biting.


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Apr 22, 2013

Iryna S.

How do I stop biting my nails? I have tried so many times but I always end up chewing them off :( help?

Apr 22, 2013

Aly C.

Get a manicure and do them up real pretty. and you'll want to keep them looking so.nice you won't bite them. that's how I manage mine. of they aren't polished then I pick them. so I keep them nice. (:

Apr 22, 2013

Roxy B.

I do the same, but I stopped. um what I do is just think about it right when I put my fingers up to my mouth lol also use hand sanitizer all day because the taste will get in your mouth.. you know you have hand sanitizer you won't be tempted to.. try it let me know if it helps you

Apr 22, 2013

Victoria M.

There's the garlic flavored clear nail polish that the sell at some beauty stores that is perfect for that. when you put your nails in your mouth it tastes gross but it's also good for your nails.

Apr 22, 2013

Toribeth T.

I agree wity aly as that helped me too. Also buy some nice nail care products and polishes and look at pics on here of designs you like it will hopefully inspire you to stop biting. I havent bitten my nails in years now so you can stop (:

Apr 22, 2013

Michaela B.

Your not alone I have the same problem the thing that worked best for me is to tell your family and friends that
Your trying to stop.
Tell them if they see you doing it to stop you also try carrying a pen or something with you to play with. If you catch yourself doing it stop and play with the pen I know it sounds silly but it can help.
Try putting reminders on your phone. an every day reminder of what your doing and why might help. Hope this helps you to have long strong and beautiful nails :)

Apr 22, 2013

Kim S.

Oh I'm so bad for this. What I have to do is put false nails on for a few days so that I can't even get to them. As soon as I can see white I can stop biting (until they start breaking and getting uneven and that's it again!) but that's how I do it. False nails until they grow a tiny bit and then paint them whenever you can. Keep busy too. I sit at night and bite them til all my fingers are sore. But I just can't stop!

Apr 22, 2013

Sarah T.

Have you tried that nail polish that tastes really really NASTY?! It's for people trying to stop nail biting and thumb sucking , my sister used it and it worked (y) it's clear so maybe make your nails look really nice and then put this on top :)

Apr 22, 2013

Morgan A.

Put perfume or lotion on your nails so when you go to bite them it will taste really bad.

Apr 22, 2013

Iryna S.

Thanks for all your relays guys! I've tried getting manicures often and it worked for a bit, but right now I can't have my nails pained different colours since I have I go to many castings and nails have to be clear :/ but I will try to find a bad tasting nail polish at the drugstore and maybe the hand sanitizer as well! Thanks again!