School... should I?


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Apr 22, 2013

Danny V.

Do you think I should wear makeup for school?

Apr 22, 2013

Lauren P.

What grade are you in?

Apr 22, 2013

Natalie C.

If you want to, but it should probably be minimal:)

Apr 22, 2013

Hanna L.

It depends on your age. How old are you?

Apr 22, 2013

Lauren M.

I say go for it! :)

Apr 22, 2013

Lauren P.

If your in 4th or 5th grade start with a little mascara and eyeshadow.6th start playing with eye liner. 7th maybe get bb cream for a foundation. 8th start tying your look all together but mostly it's your opinion I like the natural look and I started with makeup in the 6 th grade.

Apr 22, 2013

Anmol A.

If it gives you the confidence you need to feel beautiful, go ahead and do so! I suggest minimal makeup if you're 6th-9th grade. Your skin is gorgeous when you're younger, let it breathe before you start wearing more makeup when you're older. :)

Apr 22, 2013

Arianna D.

I started wearing makeup in the 6th grade and now I have acne a lot
I only recommend it if your committed to cleansing and toning and completely removing your makeup
It is a lot of work

Apr 22, 2013

Indira E.

Well it depends I'm in the 11 grade and I only use power and mascara but go for it

Apr 22, 2013

Madi M.

There's nothing wrong with alittle makeup for school...

Apr 22, 2013

Daria S.

Do whatever feels right
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