Dermatillomania sufferer. help!?


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Apr 16, 2013

Jenna P.

Hello my fellow beauty lovers,

To start, I want to warn you guys that what follows in this posit ISNT pretty and it may be uncomfortable for some to read. I have a disorder which goes by the name dermatillomania (or obsessive compulsive picking disorder). It is an anxiety driven disorder and I've been suffering since I was a young teen. I know that it is rather common for people to occasionally pick at their acne although it is bad but I suffer from a disorder in which this habit is chronic and I am unable to control the habit. If you want to know more about my disorder check out skin Many days, ESP those when I am under high amounts of stress, I sit at the mirror and pick, peel and pull at my skin to the point where I start seeing tears run down my face. I go into a sort of trance and I don't realize how much pain and damage I am causing until after the madness is done. Some days ill find myself at the mirror picking for up to 3 hours. Naturally, I have really great skin. I do not suffer from acne except for the occasional one here and there. I know you're all like "well then what are you picking at!?" But I will find anything and everything to pick at. It has caused a considerable amount of damage to my skin over the past few years. When I do it badly my skin then turns peely, scaly, red, inflamed and raw. I'm currently in behavioral therapy for this and have found some beneficial ways to cope. So I have two questions I would like to pose...

1. Is there anyone else out there who feels my pain!?

2. Are there any products you guys would recommend for my irritated damaged skin? Like products for redness, healing etc? What I currently use or have already tried are as follows: aquaphor, vitamin e oil, products from the simple line, olive oil (to cleanse), Estée lauders night repair concentrate, sebamed moisturizer, bio oil, mederma, aveeno naturally calming products, eucerin and a green primer when my face is especially red. Any other suggests are GREATLY appreciated!!

I'm sorry this was quite a depressing post but I hope at least some of you understand!

Stay beautiful loves xxx

Apr 16, 2013

Shauna S.

Hi beautiful, I have actually started posting natural remedies for your skin and how to keep it looking healthy. You can check it out and maybe some of the things I posted will be helpful for you.

Apr 16, 2013

Victoria A.

I know what you are going thru... I pick my face too but the real problem was my cuticles. Ever since middle school I have picked them til they bleed. I would peel off layer after layer of skin and didnt care how much it hurt, I would feel a sense of relief after I pulled a piece off. I was always self conscious about it, especially when buying something and handing money to the cashier. My bf hated that I did it, he said my fingers looked like they went through a meat grinder. I would try and stop, my fingers would heal and the process would start all over. I would actually use nail clippers to cut my skin and start something that was "pickable". In December I was able to stop. I don't know how or why. The skin around my fingers still look slightly damaged (kind of lumpy) and I don't have much feeling around the areas that I picked. I still slightly pick my one thumb occasionally but it's nothing like before. I'm sorry I don't have any advice on how to stop but I thought if share my story and let you know you aren't the only one who suffers from the need to pick skin.

Apr 16, 2013

Samantha B.

Hey Jenna! I really hear you, girl! I suffer from trichotillomania (obsessive hair pulling) so I have an idea how you feel. I'm so glad to hear that you're getting some therapy to deal with your problem. You should look at the Avene line of skin care products. Their stuff is formulated for super sensitive and damaged skin. The line was introduced to me by a dermatologist a while back, but it looks like they may have some products that may help heal your damaged skin.

Apr 16, 2013

Jenna P.

Victoria A. ~ thanks so much for taking the time to post your story! I too have nail/cuticle picking and peeling problems :/ my thumbs are the worst. My nails have become bumpy and brittle from stripping them down! Ugh I agree, it is very embarrassing! I'm glad I'm not alone :)

Apr 16, 2013

Jenna P.

Samantha b. ~ thank you so much for telling me about this line of products it sounds right down my alley!! Super duper excited and thankful for your input :) I know about trich too because my therapist also specializes in that category and I've asked about it. All of this picking pulling and prodding is so hard to deal with and even harder to explain to others as many people don't understand the severity of some people's cases or how exactly it affects people like me and you and victoria! Stay strong and beautiful ladies :)

Apr 16, 2013

Sarah J.

Oh my god I do this too it sucks I spend like almost 3 hours a day tearing skin off me everwhere with tweezers and I gp into a trance. I guess I m not alone..

Apr 16, 2013

Jessica O.

My best friend who is also a cosmetics manager suffers from this as well. She is currently in therapy, but I know she uses Skin Beauty repair concentrate (sometimes called SOS serum) it soothes a lot of her inflammation, and pain.

Apr 17, 2013

Nicole S.

Tou could try dermalogica barrier repair its in their ulta calming line it puts a barrier between your skin and the environment so if your skin is feeling raw and irritated it will put a protective barrier

Apr 17, 2013

Samantha B.

Oh! I also thought of something that could be of use. I used to pick at this mole on the back of my hand, but lately I've been trying to substitute using a really nice hand lotion instead. Every time I get the urge to pick, I grab some lotion and moisturizer my hands good! It's better for them and it also makes it harder to grasp the skin. Also, psychologically, it's easier to substitute a good behavior for a bad one than to stop a bad one cold turkey! :)

Apr 17, 2013

Mattie M.

Wow, I have always wondered if there is a name or something. I have had really bad anxiety since about 11 and everyday I would find scabs from bumps on my skin and pick them. I always thought that I was just weird. I'm glad I came across your post. I'm going to do more reasearch on this!

Apr 18, 2013

Jenna P.

Thanks everyone who shared their stories and advice! Yes dermatillomania is real and it can be chronic In many cases. Dermatillomania is something not yet in the dsm tr I've but trich is. I wouldn't be surprised if it is in the next revision of the dsm (diagnostic statistical book of mental disorders). Dermatillomania is a form of OCD and can be very detrimental for some individuals such as myself and some of you guys. Victoria A. I would love to share some advice with you in terms of what has helped me! Send me an email :) Mattie m. I am can offer more information about this disorder if you are interested. Feel free to email me as well! ^^^ :) be strong ladies!

Apr 18, 2013

Jenna P.

Ps sorry about all the typos and weird placements of words. Stupid iPhone autocorrect! Haha <3 peace and lurve.

Apr 25, 2013

Laura A.

Hey Jenna, I suffer from the exact same thing--to a T. I have beautiful skin, but started picking when I was 14. I'm 21 and it hasn't gotten much better. I got on a medication for it that has helped considerably, but the scarring is pretty bad. Laser treatments work wonders, but cost 300-400 bucks a session, and you normally need 3-5.

In terms of products, the Visual Changes line is remarkable. I use the Gly-Sal pads and Retexture cream, both of which help with minimizing damage/ what you have to pick at.

This disorder ruins my day. Sometimes I don't leave my room because makeup can't hide what I've done. It's debilitating. Know I'm with you and that you're not alone.