Help With Sickness


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Apr 15, 2013

Bridget B.

I have the worst stuffy nose is there anything I can do that will help it?!? ðŸ˜–

Apr 15, 2013

Kate J.

Use a Neti pot. Just be careful to follow the instructions and only use really clean water, like distilled water. Tap water isn't a great idea.

Apr 15, 2013

Christina L.

A hot bath and a nap. I hope you feel better.

Apr 15, 2013

Ava L.

Awe I'm sorry! I usually take a hot shower, and maybe sleep but rotate side to side every few minutes so it can drain

Apr 15, 2013

Stephanie R.

A hot shower and when I have a stuffy nose I put vaporub around the outside of my nostrils and it clears right up.