Help my eyebrows


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Apr 15, 2013

Jessica C.

I've never had them waxed I've been plucking for 14 years and they don't grow back so great. What do I do help.. Should I let them grow for a while then go get them waxed and of so how long do I grow them out for... Help me I hate  them.

Let them grow! They aren't thin which is great so you can go now to a professional and get them shaped but they will be thiner. You need to rid yourself of the hockey sticks!

Apr 15, 2013

Sutton B.

Let them grow. If you want them thicker, fill them in with a powder for a more natural finish.

Apr 15, 2013

Olivia R.

I'm a plucker myself. Hope urs take 3 or 4 weeks. Mine took 3or 4 months and I over plucked again. Now I have to start all over!

Apr 15, 2013

Paige C.

Stop plucking :) the temptation is always there to keep going, I only pluck the few strays as they grow back after waxing.

Apr 15, 2013

Jessica D.

I've heard that applying woman's Rogaine helps. I've used Coconut Oil to help my eyelashes grow back, you can apply some on your brows at night.

Apr 15, 2013

Robin P.

Mine took a couple months to grow enough to reshape them but the new hairs were spazzy for a while. I don't trust anyone to touch them so I plucked them again...they are slightly better than be before but I should probably start over again and seek professional help :)

Apr 15, 2013

Ashley P.

Jessica, I know its going to be hard but let them grow. You are lucky though hun, your eyebrows aren't thin so the fix will be super easy! Try giving them a few weeks and see if they are ready for waxing. Oh, you can also try what I do every night... mix one tablespoon vitamin E oil, one tablespoon castor oil and then add enough vaseline to give the mix a thick consistency. Add that mix to your lashes and brows, it works for me! But in the meantime, if it were me I would go to a professional and go ahaead and get the shape started. Let them wax the hairs that shouldn't be there and then just fill in your brows everyday until your growth is back to normal. Hope I helped at least a little ;)

Apr 15, 2013

Jessica C.

Thanks guys so much! It's going to be hard but I have do do it I look like a clown!! Lol you helped a lot.

Apr 16, 2013

Ivonne B.

Olive oil every night before bed will help them grow...till then you should throw away your tweezers if you can't find them you can't pluck them lol ;)

Apr 16, 2013

Ezarra G.

My friend is using latisse to grow hers out.

Apr 16, 2013

Jessica C.

Throw away tweezers.. Good idea.. I post a picture of them growing in a a week or so to show you ladies IM doing it. Lol.