Just curious... about CHEER.


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Apr 15, 2013

Makenna T.

So next year I'm going to high school and I'm thinking about being a cheerleader. Does anyone know what you have to be able to do to become a cheerleader?
Hugs and kisses xx

Apr 15, 2013

Ellen R.

I think you have try outs but you need to have lots of energy and be good at qymnastics! Or be strong to be the one to lift people.

Apr 15, 2013

Makenna T.

Btws I'm not sure if this helps but I'm 5'00" and 95lbs

Apr 15, 2013

Makenna T.

Does anyone know what you have to do to pass tryouts?

Apr 15, 2013

Jenny O.

You just have to have a lot of energy, be flexible but it's not really a must, you have to be able to kick pretty high and since you're small you'll probably be able to be a flyer (:

Apr 15, 2013

Rachael T.

Toe touch. Hurkey. Cartwheel/round off. Split. Leg extension.

Apr 15, 2013

Wilse H.

^^ YouTube what she said lol

Apr 15, 2013

Kat R.

Be peppy, happy, constantly smiling, and you would most likely be a flyer on a varsity team or a base on a jv team. It doesn't matter so much about gymnastics, as long as you are sharp with your motions and always smiling!

Apr 15, 2013

Chevon A.

Well my high school dust require that you be able to do certain flips because they had a teacher do that...so just be peppy, listen closely and learn things as fast as possible and learn them right. Also don't really take too much advice from other cheerleaders make sure you confirm what they're telling you about games/uniforms/etc. from the coach!!

Apr 15, 2013

Chevon A.


Apr 15, 2013

Koya N.

When trying out, call the cheer and be really loud , smile and sharp. You don't have to be a particular weight...

Apr 15, 2013

Koya N.

Get to know the cheer coach also make your presence known. :)

Apr 15, 2013

Lizzy M.

Unless it's competitive cheerleading you need:
-Some flexibility, but you can work on this over the year...they won't expect you to do a scorpion at tryouts! Look up stretches on YouTube (FitForAFeast has great vids) and do this after a run, after a shower, etc. (whenever you're warm!) 15-30 minutes of stretching a day will make a huge difference.

-A strong core. Again, something to work. Try Pilates, P90X, and this app called Abdomen.

-Lots of energy and ethusiasm! Make sure that it never feels fake or forced, though.

-Coordination, and the ability to pick up routines.
Have fun at tryouts!

Apr 15, 2013

Angie T.

Smile. Keep your moves tight and precise. Only do jumps that you can perfect. Be able to amplify your voice. Keep good rhythm and don't be fake to the judges. Work your butt off for try outs. Practice, practice, practice and when you think you have it down...do it again. Cheer leading is very hard work. It looks easy, but people have no idea how hard it is!

Apr 16, 2013

Makenna T.

Ok thanks ill start stretching xx

Apr 16, 2013

Ashley H.

Also, pay attention to your movements!! I know when I cheered a HUGE thing the coaches hated seeing at try-outs was floppy movements. Keep your moves "rigid" and make sure (for example) if you have one fist on your hip and one fist up in the air that your arm in the air is lined up with the back of your hand. I'm not sure if I am explaining that right, but basically pretend that there's a line from your shoulder to elbow and elbow to knuckles and keep things straight! Also, high-kicks/toe-touches are important, cartwheels/round-offs, and MOST importantly in EVERY cheer audition is to have a HUGE smile on your face at ALL TIMES lol :)) good luck!! Keep us posted :))