Getting Rid of Cystic Acne.


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Apr 16, 2013

Caroline P.

Seriously, I hate talking about acne just as much as the next girl, but I need to get rid of this crap. I get acne that doesn't come to the surface of my skin, I guess it's called cystic acne. They are huge, embarrassing, and hurt like a mofo. Any recommendations?

Apr 16, 2013

Taylor G.

I had those so bad and unfortunately I couldn't get rid of them until I used Proactiv. But I quit using it because I couldn't afford it and started using the Neutrogena rapid clear line and it worked just as well and I haven't had any since.

Apr 16, 2013

Marissa F.

Caroline, I feel your pain! I suggest going to a dermatologist. Drug store products aren't made for cystic acne. My doctor gave me a prescription gel called ziana. I would go and see if the doctor can give you too! Good luck :)

Apr 16, 2013

Emily H.

Proactiv helps a lot. They have some pretty good deals. Use witch hazel for a week and it will start to clear out throughout the week.

Apr 16, 2013

Caroline P.

Taylor- the neutrogena products generally work really well for me, I'll have to check that one out, thanks!!
Marissa- I've got an appointment coming up! We're there any really bad side effects? Because I personally had prescription gels that dried my face out and made me reallllllly sensitive to sun... And we'll I'm a lifeguard so that obviously isnt an option
Emily- I've heard so many mixed things about proactiv that I'm afraid to try it because of the cost. If my dermatologist says anything positive about it I'm going to get some immediately. Haha. And I've also heard a lot about witch hazel, ill check it out. Thank you!

Apr 16, 2013

Caroline P.

* were
* well

Apr 17, 2013

Rosa A.

Have you ever considered accutane?

Apr 17, 2013

Jessica D.

Use a mixture of honey, cinnamon and nutmeg. The honey kills any bacteria on your face that causes the acne in the first place and cinnamon has inflamitory properties. I've used this for a couple of months and it's amazing. I wish I would have known about it in HS. Oh btw if you use pure honey or the best is raw unpasterized honey. It contains the most healing properties. Also you could try Aztec Indian healing clay. I ordered both of those on amazon and have cleared up my skin naturally. I used proactiv and it made my acne worse. These are the things that worked for me. It's worth a shot. Good luck.

Apr 17, 2013

Jessica D.

Here's what the healing clay looks like. Follow the instructions on the bottle. And use a moisturizer afterwards.

Apr 17, 2013

Jessica D.

And this is the honey. It looks different from pure honey. It's the best.

Apr 17, 2013

Caroline P.

Jessica- Ill give it a shot! Thanks! How long/often do you use the honey, nutmeg, and cinnamon mixture?

Apr 17, 2013

Jessica D.

You can do it 3 to 4xs a week and leave it on for 30 mins to an hour. The longer you leave it on the better it is for you. Good luck!

Apr 17, 2013

Melissa W.

Yeah, I have terrible acne, even scaring and I have a dermatologist to where she prescribes pills and mire pills and face cleansers to me. well, they don't work anymore. and its devestating because I feel I'll never get rid of this painful, deep, scaring acne. :/ but I'm about to start on accutane as she has told me has a 95% working rate. wish me luck ladies, I feel this is my last resort. :/

Apr 17, 2013

Melissa W.

Oh and I too had ziana at one point and when it did work for me it was well, its like oil based feeling. so that could be a good thing to try if your doctor mentions it. :)

Apr 17, 2013

Melissa W.
