Face Scrubs Masks?


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Apr 16, 2013

Starria C.

I need some face scrubs or masks that will help get rid of blemishes. Any suggestions?

Apr 16, 2013

Sutton B.

Use instant oatmeal! It softens the skin around the blemish and it adds vital nutrients to the pores to open them up and to even your skin tone. Just mix instant oatmeal (original, not with flavored things or nuts) and let it sit in the warm (not hot!) water until the water is murky. Then use it like a scrub. It's a light, gentle exfoliation and the milk (the murky water) is excellent for your skin.
You can use it morning and night!

Apr 16, 2013

Taylor G.

I get Freeman's from Walmart for like $1.30 a packet. I love them they have all different kinds for different stuff.