Homemade Beauty Things Here.


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Apr 16, 2013

Christina L.

Hey there! I think this is a topic everyone can use! This topic is for everyone to put their homemade beauty... Stuff. Like homemade dyes, homemade makeup, homemade face and body scrubs... Just whatever you want! Have fun reading what everyone else put!! Don't forget to put your own!!

Apr 16, 2013

Christina L.

I'll go first. Homemade nail whitening scrub. Mix a little toothpaste and lemon together in a bowl. Once it's mixed well take a nail scrubber, if you don't have one use a new toothbrush. Scrub each hand for 2 minutes. Then if you have it, rub vasaline on your nails. Use a nail buffer to rub it. In.

Apr 16, 2013

Mel G.

Olive oil + sugar= lip scrub, you can substitute Vaseline for olive oil if you choose.

Apr 16, 2013

Christina L.

You can use lemon and go out in the sun for a few hours to make your hair lighter!!

Apr 16, 2013

Christina L.

Face masks... You can squish up an avocado and smear it on your face and leave it on your face for 20 min, or you can use an egg white and leave it on until its dry.

Apr 16, 2013

Shauna S.

This is for people with scars. I have a lot of scars caused by dermatitis and I found this really helped. I bathe in salt water for about half an hour (you should use sea salt or coarse sea salt), then afterwards I moisturize my body with pure organic virgin coconut oil. It works amazing.

Apr 16, 2013

Shauna S.

This is something you can use a face mask or you can put it anywhere on your body. I mix vitamin e oil, coconut oil, olive oil, and evening primrose oil (these come in capsules, so I just break open the capsules and use the oil inside). These natural ingredients is amazing for your skin. It helps moisturize, even skin tone, reduce redness and it has great anti-inflammatory properties. Just make sure to wash it off because it is very greasy and it all won't fully absorb into your skin.