I need help!!


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Apr 16, 2013

Hanna L.

Okay so I just asked my crush if he liked me! And its really awkward between us know!And now he knows I like him :/ and he goes around bragging so everyone knows I like him -_- ikr!! Mean!! But everyone says he likes me cuz he broke up with his girl for me and keeps all of our txt messages sense we met!! What do I do t please help.

Apr 16, 2013

Sharon K.

I think you need to confront him yourself. Don't always just wait till he makes a move. I think you need to talk it out with him.

Apr 16, 2013

Manal M.

I've learned how to deal with that the hard way ahaha, I say ignore for at least 2 day (no texting, communicating with each other through the Internet or in person), see if he notices and tries to get your attention. If he never does, tone down the thought of you liking him. Usually I find it easier when I convince myself I don't like the guy so it makes it easier for me to talk to him.

Apr 16, 2013

Hanna L.

Okay thanks (; I'll try them all.