How can I make my eyes pop?


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Apr 16, 2013

Cheyenne M.

How can I make my eyes pop?
(Eyeliner on bottom makes them look too small!)

Apr 16, 2013

Chiara R.

Golden or bronze eye shadow c:

Apr 17, 2013

Savina J.

Hey hun if you don't like to line your bottom lash line, then try lining your top lash line but only from the outer corner of your eye to the middle.(but not a thick line..the goal is to just make your lashes look thicker)'ll open them even more...
also a simple winged liner will look great on you...
and if you line the top like I said and line the bottom it will look great...
except line the bottom the opposite way from how you did the top...
so line from the inside (NOT all the way to the corner of your inner eye either) to the outside but don't go all the way to the outer corner..your eyes will pop...
also smudging it out with a dark shadow will give it even more edge...
that's just some quick eyeliner tips...hope it helps! :) only way to fully figure it out is by having some fun and experimenting :)