Dry, Desert Lips?


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Apr 7, 2013

Emma B.

Because of the cold weather over here, the skin under my lips and near the corners has been very dry and cracked. I really don't know what to do besides layers and layers of moisturizer in order to get it to smooth out. But then when I put makeup on- the dryness comes back... Anything I can do to solve this problem fast?

Apr 7, 2013

Manal M.

Blistex Lip Ointment works very well for cold sores or dry patches on your lips. It's like $3 at the drugstore, apply after brushing your teeth in the morning, after lunch and at night after brushing your teeth. I have it and I'm on my second tube, solid 10/10 for the product.

Apr 7, 2013

Emma B.

Thanks Manal!! (:

Apr 7, 2013

Hannah H.

Use some lip chap stuff everything your lips get dry keep one at home and in your school bag just incase.

Apr 7, 2013

Sadia B.

Yeh I use the same n wear it before you go to sleep. the lip conditioner is good aswell. x

Apr 7, 2013

Sadia B.

blistex range x

Apr 7, 2013

Sadia B.

Also make sure you drink plenty of water aswell x

Apr 7, 2013

Loryn T.

Use aquaphor (it's somewhat similar to Vaseline) put it on and layer it while you sleep- your lips will thank you ☺

Apr 7, 2013

Emma B.

Thanks ladies! These lips should be better soon!