My Friend Wants To Dye Her Hair Bright Red!!


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Apr 8, 2013

Paige G.

Okay so my friend is super awesome and I love her to pieces but I don't think this is the right color for her and she wants it bright super red. Don't get me wrong red is great but I don't think it's for her. Please tell me what you think if you think she should or if she shouldn't.

Apr 8, 2013

Claire C.

I don't think she sould. Its probably just a phase and in a week she could hate it.

Apr 8, 2013

Kaylee M.

What's natural hair color.

Apr 8, 2013

Kaylee M.

I meant what's her natural hair color.

Apr 8, 2013

Marcelina C.

If she Dosent like it she can always die it bag or for starters use crazy colour to see if she likes it as it fades in 3/5 washes.

Apr 8, 2013

Marcelina C.

dye it back*

Apr 8, 2013

Keeley P.

I think she should do whatever she wants to do-- it's not like hair color is permanent. If she hates it, she can do something else with it. I used to rock the fire truck red hair and I loved it. There were probably a lot of people who thought it looked bad or worse than my natural hair but I was happy and that was all that really mattered.

Apr 8, 2013

Elley M.

My sister has bright red hair...I always tell her to get a more natural color, I know how you feel!

Apr 8, 2013

Niamh H.

Same with my mams hair she's got it bright bright red! Lol.

Apr 8, 2013

Alexis G.

My friend did the same and wen she talked about it I was totally against it but she did it and it looks great on her but yesterday she got a bowl cut were its short n the back and a lil longer n the front but I'm not too big of a fan of it.

You need to be concerned with yourself not your friend. Let her do what will make her happy. Hair can always be cut, dyed, and redyed. So sick of the mentality that hair has to be a certain way. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you need to stop anyone. And elley your sister is gorgeous.her skin tone is perfect for red.

Apr 9, 2013

Paige G.

My friend has naturally brown hair like really brown.