Smoothies for good skin.


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Apr 5, 2013

Abi S.

I am doing a dairy free vegetarian diet so I am looking out for ideas on a breakfast snack smoothie for good skin...

I heard that Vitamin A is good for preventing acne... any other good ideas? 


Apr 5, 2013

Shauna S.

I found this article which might be very helpful,

Apr 5, 2013

Kelly M.

Don't smoothies need milk...?

Apr 5, 2013

Alexis T.

Vanilla soy milk works well in smoothies.

Apr 5, 2013

Kelly M.

Kale, spinach, and flax seeds are all very good for the skin. I know it sounds wonky to put those in smoothies, but you will barely taste them over the stronger-flavored fruit and yogurt (or milk if you choose to use that instead of yogurt).

Apr 6, 2013

Madi O.

You actually don't need milk! Sometimes I make a fruit smoothie with just fruit and/or fruit juice! I do use soy milk once in a while though.

Apr 6, 2013

Abi S.

Thanks guys :D I put 3 dozen strawberries 1 and a half oranges and 1 banana in my breakfast smoothie today :) and am very proud of myself succeeded in day one of my diet... don't know how long it will last tho ;)