Should I get this pierced?


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Apr 7, 2013

Bella B.

I like septum piercings on some girls, it all depends on your face shape & what bar you would have. Just keep in mind most guys don't like it & with cheek piercings they can scar your cheeks.

I vote cheek piercings but hey, do what makes you happy because at the end of the day you're the one living with it :)

Apr 7, 2013

Illiana V.

Being Honest I Thing You Look Gorgeous With Any Piercings The Cheeks Are Better But If They Leave Holes And The Holes Don't Stay I Don't Recommend Neither

Apr 7, 2013

Illiana V.


Apr 7, 2013

Ashley D.

Neither, just keep using the fake ones.

Apr 7, 2013

Brittany A.

I say the septum, for when you decide you don't want that piercing anymore it's not going to have any holes that are noticeable.

Apr 7, 2013

Kylie P.

Ew. 🙊

Apr 7, 2013

Ilana A.

They both look cute on you ^.^. From the other comments you might want to look more into the problems associated with cheek piercings. Ultimately, it's up to you, and other people shouldn't influence it just 'cause they don't like it.

Apr 7, 2013

Gins A.

If I were you I would choose the septum, cause the cheek one will let you a hole in your face when you want to remove it. And, in my opinion, septum is cuter.

Apr 7, 2013

Beth C.

I personally think nose studs look better? But if anything go for the septum, the cheek ones sound rather problematic...

Apr 7, 2013

Kylie M.

I love the septum on you it looks great! Just Cynthia too big with it cause it dossent look good plus it hurts less than cheeks!

Apr 7, 2013

Kylie M.

*don't gage it and make it too big..not correct haha.

Apr 7, 2013

Sarah K.

L wouldn't do any of them. not cute.

Apr 7, 2013

Tania C.

I think just a nose stud would look better on you than those two choices. :$

Septum is cute :) And will leave no scarring if you decide you don't want it anymore in the future.
(Also what's with all the negative "ew" and "such and such is a bitch" comments? Has this website just become a teenager fest recently?)

Apr 7, 2013

Vanessa C.


Apr 7, 2013

kayleigh N.

Don't get your septum peirced. to me it looks like bull horns...ahah.

Apr 8, 2013

Alia R.

Cheek peircings will be a HUUUUGGE commitment the scar will never go away the septum isn't quite attractive it reminds me of a bull with the ring in its nose ultimately do which ever you want just be aware of the consequebces.

Apr 8, 2013

Alia R.

Even a lip piercing it never closes up :( mine has been out for a year an still open you shouldn't get any face peircings :/

Apr 8, 2013

Haryot G.

No no no just me I hate piercings. But it's upto you.

Apr 8, 2013

Marissa F.

I say try the Septum, if you don't end up liking it I'm pretty sure you can take it out and it won't be noticeable :) And if you do end up liking it, it is much easier to hide when you are at an interview or you need to look professional :)

Apr 8, 2013

Caitlin S.

Septum! cause if you don't like it you can easily take it out without pain and if you get a job or go somewhere professional you can hide the ring in your nose! the cheek piercings are more complicated! this is alll from experience:)

Apr 8, 2013

Elyse B.

None ugly

Apr 9, 2013

Peyton M.

Well personally, I like the cheek scars. Lol.

Apr 12, 2013

Peyton M.

So I still don't know to do. :(