Should I get this pierced?


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Apr 6, 2013

Peyton M.

I've wanted my septum pierced for the longest time. But recently, I've been tho king about getting my cheeks done. Which looks better? (Obviously they're fake & they don't look very realistic. )

Apr 6, 2013

Kelly M.

There's no pic

Apr 6, 2013

Peyton M.


Apr 6, 2013

Peyton M.


Apr 6, 2013

Peyton M.


Apr 6, 2013

Marcelina C.

Personally I think the cheeks look better as I think a septum Dosent look very attractive xx

Apr 6, 2013

Peyton M.


Apr 6, 2013

Sam D.


Apr 6, 2013

Sierra J.

I wouldn't get your cheeks pierced. I've been told by several peircers that when you get your cheeks peirced they never really heal. Cos your mouth is always moving the peirce is always being agitated.

Apr 6, 2013

Julie G.

The cheeks are cuter.. But honestly I say you should do like your lip or your eyebrow, those just look a little to bold.

Apr 6, 2013

Katharina C.

You don't want your cheeks pierced trust me! my friend had her & finally wanted em out & now she has HUGE HOLES on each side , you can't cover them with make up girl they are STUCK never ever going away! when your 35 your going to regret it , she's only 21 now & she already regrets it! septum looks fab anyways <3

Apr 6, 2013

Julie G.

Noo! The nose one looks nasty! No offence.

Apr 6, 2013

Alexis T.

You have a cute nose bottom line is its about whatevers gna make you happy in my opinion a septum would look really cute on you cuz your nose is verymuch lady like as for your cheeks if you really want them I'd say go with the smallest gauge n studds possible but the septums always great cuz you could always hide it

Apr 6, 2013

Julie G.

I think (for gauges) the biggest size you should go is 6. Anything bigger looks weird.

Apr 7, 2013

Peyton M.

I'm not gauging anything. I'm keeping it all the same size they pierce it with! :)

Apr 7, 2013

Manal M.

The cheeks! You're so cute :)

Apr 7, 2013

Jackie A.

Noo :/ you look better without sorry.

Apr 7, 2013

Kaylynn S.

Noo piercings! yur really pretty! Great without them, but if you feel like thts really yur thang then go for it babe!

Apr 7, 2013

Jackie L.

Septum for sure! You look better with it! The cheek ones look weird

Apr 7, 2013

Aauna L.


Apr 7, 2013

Taylor M.


Apr 7, 2013

Taylor W.

Not a fan of either.. Sorry.

Apr 7, 2013

Lara W.

Don't get cheeks! they rarely heal and if they do then it can take years. they swell to about a year or longer. its just a bad piercing from experience.

Apr 7, 2013

Lucy D.

Cheeks look cute but it does take awhile to heal though but if you take care of them then it should be fine :)

Apr 7, 2013

Erin W.

Cheeks I think look a little more feminine so it really depends on the look you are going for