Dry hair?! (biracial)


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Apr 6, 2013

Kayla M.

I'm mixed with black and white but I love with a white mother in a white community. I don't really know how to take care of my hair type very well and there's not a lot of people around to help me. Does anybody know of any important things to do to keep it healthy?

Apr 6, 2013

Mariah W.

I'm white myself but I have Indian and hispanic type hair which is really curly but you should try leave in conditioners, jojoba oil, and this might sound gross but don't wash your hair a lot it will dry your hair out and make it brittle if you have any other questions just ask!(:

Apr 6, 2013

Amanda Y.

Deep condition it at least twice a week & I recommended using olive oil brand hair products. you can get them at Walmart or CVS, I also would suggest using a hair lotion, I love Hawaiian silk which you can get at Sally's or Pinks which you can get a Walmart. hope this helps (:

Apr 6, 2013

Kayla M.

Thanks guys!

Apr 6, 2013

Alexis T.

I'm half blk n half mex you can check out my hair on my profile..and I get a lot of dryness frm using heat so I reccomend hot oil treatments really helped revive my hair