Tone Or Rebleach?


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Apr 18, 2013

Cristina R.

I bleached my hair twice and this is what the result is. I've been using purple shampoo and the bleach I've been using is quick blue with 30 developer, help please! :)

Apr 18, 2013

Satenik S.

Definitely tone :)

Apr 18, 2013

Kaitlin C.

Tone :)

Apr 18, 2013

Cristina R.

Ok thanks what shade though? Will it cancel all the random colors in my hair?

Apr 18, 2013

Toni W.

Ombré hair would look gorgeous on you!! Considering that you kinda have color layers going already they probably could even it out more. I would suggest going from a little bit darker blond to a dirty or even light brown with some reddish orange streaks. I understand you want to be gentle so, work with you stylist to minimize harm. Best of wishes in your adventures in beauty.💕

Apr 18, 2013

Alicia H.

Cristina - What color are you originally lifting from and what color are you trying to achieve?

If you've bleached twice in a row, using a blue or purple toner may pick up too much and turn your hair actually blue or purple.

You may want to try a quick glaze. That way you will also be conditioning your hair. And make sure to rise with cold water to close the cuticle.

Good luck!

Apr 19, 2013

Cristina R.

I want it platinum or one straight color to dye it a nice blonde or red.

Apr 19, 2013

Cristina R.

But before I bleached it it was brown at the roots and the rest was red faded. What's a quick glaze and how do ibgo about that?

Apr 19, 2013

Alicia H.

A glaze will work to coat the hair rather than re-opening the cuticle and nourishes and conditions it. It washes out over time so pick one that is the darkest tone in your hair and let it wash out until you feel you can re-bleach (from the picture it looks like just one more time in a few weeks) and then tone it (only leave the toner on for a few minutes if you've gone through 3 bleach washes). Good luck! Make sure and share the end result!