How To Get Beach Waves.


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Apr 18, 2013

Natalie C.

Someone please help me!! I have naturally straight hair and so when I get out of the shower my hair is pretty straight-ish. If I braid it I'm not a huge fan of crimped as to waves. I have two wands it just takes me a while to curl. any suggestions for me?? I bought sea salt spray but I don't know that it's very useful since my hair isn't wavy out of the shower😐

Apr 18, 2013

Katy W.

Here is my version of beach waves.
1) Pick your favorite scrunch spray. ( I like Aussie & Tresemme)
2) Make sure your hair is wet & scrunch your hair.
3) Put your hair in a tight bun & goto sleep.
4) In the morning, take it down & it will be dry & wavy (:
Below is a picture of me with the beach waves.

Apr 18, 2013

Lydia L.

^ this. If your hair is long and thick put it into two buns instead of one otherwise it won't dry. You could try twisting your hair instead of braiding.

Apr 18, 2013

Naomi N.

Have you tried a fish tail braid and moose

Apr 18, 2013

Emins K.

Try krimping your hair then curl it with a ucurl.

Apr 18, 2013

Karla H.

You can use a straightener to make your hair wavy:) there are some tutorials on youtube that show you how to do it. but to make it wavy take bigger hair pieces. and ounce your done with that hairspray it and run your fingers through it. flip it upside down , spray it and you have beach waves:)

Apr 19, 2013

Alisha G.

I love your beach waves Katy! I'm going to try it ;)

Apr 19, 2013

Emily H.

Very simple! You take a shower, once you get out put hairspray in. Than you make a simple three strand braid to the side of your choice. Put more hairspray in and than sleep with it in overnight. Take it out in the morning...

Apr 19, 2013

Emily H.

And tada:)