Over The Counter Chemical Straightening.


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Apr 18, 2013

Melissa B.

My hair is obnoxiously curly and I love it straight. Sadly, it's a pain to straighten and takes hours that I usually don't have. I don't want to get it done at a salon, so does anyone know of any good products to use??

Apr 18, 2013

Romy M.

I just should be very happy with your curly hair!

Apr 18, 2013

Melissa B.

Nooo, I hate it. It's so poofy and big. It drives me absolutely nuts. If it isn't straight, it's in a ponytail.

Apr 18, 2013

Porsha T.

Chemical straightening makes it worse. I got one when I little the damage was unbelievable.

Apr 18, 2013

Hali H.

If you relax your hair it can't be reversed so if you ever want your natural hair back ull have to grow it out. and store ones can be very damaging to your hair esp if you do it every time your hair starts growing out unless you just do the regrowth and you have to make sure you rub it straight or with won't make it straight. I know you don't want to go to a salon but it is a lot less harmful to your hair.