Oily Hair Probs!


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Apr 9, 2013

Rebecca S.

I've been trying to not wash my hair every day so it will be healthier, but I can't go a day without my hair looking really oily so I have to wash it every day. What can I do?!?!?

Apr 9, 2013

Alexa H.

Dry shampoo!

Apr 9, 2013

Sarah M.

Well if you have to wash your hair every day then your obviously in no harm of stripping our oils. Some heads have too much oil. I do! It's okay if you wash everyday..

Apr 9, 2013

Sarah M.

Dry shampoo is what hospitals use when their patients can't get out of bed. And no their hair doesn't look very nice. Don't try it

Apr 9, 2013

Rebecca S.

Sarah- my hair breaks very easy during the day when it's dry but when I wake up its always super oily!

Apr 9, 2013

Sarah M.

Try to get a shampoo that specially strengthens your hair. But keep washing every day

Apr 9, 2013

Crapzor R.

Actually it's bad for the scalp if you wash the hair every day. It drys it out, and that can lead to the bodies response to produce extra fat and making the hair oily faster. I think that dry shampoo is the better option... But hey, that's just my opinion ;)

Apr 9, 2013

Crapzor R.


Apr 9, 2013

Lena D.

Dry shampoo would work best. A good one is batisse dry shampoo. I've heard good reviews on the tresemme ones too. And crapzor is absolutely right. Unfortunately when you're stripping the hairs natural oils, it tricks it into producing more. Oil thus oily heads.. I have the same problem. A way to fix it, is just enduring the oily hair for abit until your hair gets used to not being washed everyday. Also, baby powder works great at concealing oily hair. Just dust a bit on top of your hair, and tousle your hair until it disappears.

Apr 9, 2013

Ingrit T.

Dry shampoo works very well for me! But I use just once a week, sometimes twice.

Apr 9, 2013

Alexa H.

Dry shampoo is used in tons of places because of how wonderful and popular it is! Washing your hair everyday strips it not just of natural oil but also protein. If you're scared to use dry shampoo, start washing your hair every other day and don't condition your scalp or roots, only your ends.

Apr 9, 2013

Rebecca S.

What kind of dry shampoos are there? & where could I get them?

Apr 9, 2013

Alexa H.

Dry shampoo has become incredibly popular, you can find it at any drug store, or makeup store even. The ones that I use and recommend are Oscar Blandi dry shampoo which is a powder and Batiste which comes in different scents. They cost like 6 bucks and are lifesavers!

Apr 9, 2013

Alexa H.

The powder

Apr 9, 2013

Alexa H.

And the aerosol

Apr 9, 2013

Rebecca S.

Thank you Alexa!

Apr 9, 2013

F F.

Dry shampoo :)

Apr 9, 2013

Alexa H.

You're so welcome!

Apr 9, 2013

Glenda G.

Definitely buy dry shampoooo!

Apr 9, 2013

Samantha R.

Dry shampoo. Tresemme works well and it's inexpensive.

Apr 10, 2013

Celeste A.

I wash my hair daily because it is so oily by 12pm if I don't. My hair stylist always talks about how healthy my hair is. It depends on your hair. If it is oily them wash it. Talk with your stylist for more info that is suited for your hair type.

Apr 10, 2013

Bonnie R.

Soapily Ever After on etsy sells a great dry shampoo. Hang in there. I had the same issue until my scalp adjusted to not being stripped by shampoo every day.