I Want Longer Eyelashes Fast.


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Apr 10, 2013

Kayleigh C.

How do I get them?! I'm sick of putting on mascara I want a more natural approach. Someone please tell me I need help!! PleaSe also put how long it will take.

Apr 10, 2013

Meije V.

I've heard that vaseline works.

Apr 10, 2013

Cheyenne C.

Castor oil on your eyelashes can help.

Apr 10, 2013

Hanna M.

Don't put any kind of oils on your eyelashes! It can go into your eye and it is way too dangerous! And Vaseline Is even worse, it comes from petroleum and that surely can't be good for your eye.
Try to have a healthy diet with tons of proteins and nutrients+vitamins:)
Take care of your body and soul.

Apr 10, 2013

Sumayyah A.

Before sleeping rub some Vaseline onto your lashes, it's totally a natural resource so wouldn't affect you when sleeping, it all depends on your lashes with how long it would take but it took me 3 nights to see a major difference

Apr 10, 2013

Karla F.

Oil your lashes with castor oil thats what I did (: my results for using castor oil on my eyelashes is in my picture gallery.

Apr 11, 2013

Angelica R.

So I see that Castor oil makes your Eyelashes big. Can someone please pretty pretty pleaseeeee post a pic of it so I can get an idea so I can buy it! I would really really appreciated. Thanks!

Apr 11, 2013

Angelica R.

I'm sorry but I'm trying to post this on my own but for some odd reason my phone doesn't let me. That why I posted it on here but thanks if you guys do! (:

Apr 11, 2013

Paulina C.

I would wear vaseline :S I used it for like a couple weeks and my lashes started falling I would recomend you some lash accelerator (it black and yellow, its a mascara) it really works I have really long lashes

Apr 11, 2013

Paulina C.

Do not wear vaseline! I wore it for a couple weeks and my lashes started falling:( they got longer but weaker! I recommend you a mascara called lash accelerator
Those are my lashes in the background