Do You Use 2 Mascaras?


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Apr 10, 2013

Taylor G.

I've never tried t does it really make lashes longer and fuller? If so what brands do you use?

Apr 10, 2013

Jazzy M.

I've tried it and to be honest I couldn't see the difference it was just twice as hard to wash off...

Apr 10, 2013

Liberty R.

I use two everyday and it definitely makes a difference. :) I normally use Loreal Voluminous Million Lashes for my first coat to cover all of my lashes and then I will either use Clinique High Impact or Falsies Wings Flared from Maybelline. I think the wands make the biggest difference; the fluffy ones in my "seconds" work great for volume. <3 I hope this helped!

Apr 10, 2013

Liberty R.

Just use a little bit of olive oil on a tissue with warm water and it normally comes off pretty easily.

Apr 10, 2013

Taylor G.

Thanks ladies for the advice:) Liberty I might give that a try/)

Apr 10, 2013

Liberty R.

You're welcome! good luck :)

Apr 10, 2013

Molly G.

I use the Lash Primer Potion from Urban Decay under my Armani eyes to kill mascara. In my opinion it does not add length or volume, but it does separate your lashes and help prevent any clumping.

Apr 10, 2013

Taylor G.

Thanks Annabelle and Molly:)

Apr 10, 2013

Jaye R.

Yes I usually do if I'm looking for drama in the lashes and I really do see a huge difference. I combine a volume one (which right now for me is the maybelline collosal volume express) and a length one (I swear by the original lash stiletto!) usually with that one focusing more on the outside ends cuz thats just my style. For most days though, I just do a few swipes of the lash stiletto and call it good. I think it really just depends on the look youre going for that day so if you have the time just start experimenting with different techniques and see what flatters the rest of your makeup and what works for your unique lashes.

Apr 10, 2013

Megan M.

Always. NYX doll eyes paired with Kat Von D Sinfull lash is amazing. NYX gives me the length and definition I want while Kat makes them look more voluminous and gets the tips of my lashes to look fluffy when I apply it over top!

Apr 10, 2013

aliyah b.

Yes! Layering mascaras is the key to false looking lashes. I sometimes use three- one to volumize, one to lengthen, one to separate/define. :)

Apr 10, 2013

Taylor G.

Okay thanks girls ill try it out:)

Apr 10, 2013

Cory S.

Makes a difference if you curl your lashes after wards.

Apr 10, 2013

Taylor G.

Does that clump?

Apr 10, 2013

Margie L.

I have 6 but I use about 3 together one alone and 2 others together but I also put on mascara primer so ask if you need the names of my mascara combinations :)

Apr 10, 2013

Taylor G.

Sure I'd like to know:)

Apr 10, 2013

Sarah T.

No I just use the one it's plush lash my Mac

Apr 10, 2013

Brandie B.

Yes. I prefer 2-3 kinds. To me, it does make a difference. Because I might like one mascara for a something specific it does, and the same with a different one. The two I've been using are CG Clump Crusher and Loreal Volumuminous Carbon Black. If I remember I'll start with either CG Lash Perfection (which I need to replace) or Maybelline One by One. I'd like to try Benefit's they're real or Tarte's Camera, Lights, Lashes. I personally would prefer thick lashes over super long. I feel like 2 or more different mascaras help me achieve a thicker look. Or maybe it's my imagination :) I also like my lashes very black.

Apr 10, 2013

Taylor G.

Thanks I'm the same I want think black lashes:)