23 years old & STILL GETTING ACNE?!


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Apr 10, 2013

Shy B.

Is it normal for me to still be getting acne?
I eat normal , take care of my skin exfoliate moisturize but I still get acne
Any advice , knowledge or comments?

Apr 10, 2013

Haryot G.

Drink lots of water!!

Apr 10, 2013

Poonam M.

Its very natural..there is nothing to worry. and it depends upon the environment too!!

Apr 10, 2013

Haryot G.

Okay also don't stress and whenever you come home from going out wash your face as it has a lot bacteria on it and also try face masks. Search on YouTube for treatments

Apr 10, 2013

Raeoni D.

Don't overuse face products. And try a month without makeup. Also pay close attention to your menstrual cycle, hormones do affect your skin!

Apr 10, 2013

Lena D.

Completely normal. Teenage years to late twenties is the acne period unfortunately. Just cleanse, exfoliate, tone, moisturize. And also treat acne when breakouts occur. I recommend bosica willowbark breakout treatment. When you can, use little makeup as possible or invest in mineral makeup such as bare minerals or cover fx. Cleanse your body inside as well. Hydrate well, eat healthy with vegetables and fruits. And also you can try some vitamins as well like zinc. An exercise does wonders for the body as it releases toxins! You can also talk to your doctor for some prescription for acne as the pill or medication. But I highly doubt you need to go to that level unless you're suffering quite severely. Hope this helped xx

Apr 10, 2013

Dhanvi T.

My mother had this problem as well, all she did was stop drinking regular milk and switched to organic. Since regular cows are injected with hormones to give birth faster to provide more milk, the milk is filled with way more hormones than organic. Although organic milk is expensive, think of organic food as an investment on the rest of your life.

Apr 10, 2013

Beej G.


Apr 10, 2013

Kadri T.

I started my acne when I was 25. Had no problems during my teens. Its not hormonal but something called adult acne according to my derm. I'm 29 now and hae gotten more less rid of it with 2 rounds of accutane and I don't use any chemicals in my skincare routine. Oil cleansing and no creams. And I almost look like old me.

Apr 10, 2013

Rosie W.

It's better to drink no milk at all. there are good alternatives. it's also a good idea to stop using silicones on your face.

Apr 10, 2013

Michelle O.

I'm 33, and I still have acne. It's all about hormones, and we have them all throughout our lives, in various amounts.

Apr 10, 2013

Amie L.

I would see a dermatologist. My sister was still getting acne at the age of 27 and finally went to see one. They put her on the pill and prescribed medicated face wash. She has been acne free for over a year now!! Hope this helped! Good luck! :))

Apr 10, 2013

Pamela W.

I was one of those people who ate what she wanted and not get acne. Not until I turned 29 that I started getting full blown acne breakout. Like Michelle said its a hormonal thing. I drink lots of water, clean my face twice a day and 6 days out of the week eat healthy. It's still coming! Sadly women in their 40's and 50's are still getting acne.

Apr 10, 2013

Stormi L.

I'm a little younger, but I never ever has problem skin until I hit 19! It's perfectly normal. No matter what I ate or what products I used it just stayed! I'd recommend drinking LOTS of water/ Gatorade, anything that's really going to keep you hydrated. I also started using a product called PanOxyl (the 10% benzoyl peroxide kind) and within weeks my skin was clear. I'd recommend it to anyone. Do some research on it and maybe some other products. And I hope you find what works for you (:

Apr 10, 2013

Sevetria M.

I'm almost 40 & I still get them.

Apr 11, 2013

Shelley W.

I'm right behind Sevetria on this one...I'm 39 and I still get hormonal acne from time to time but thankfully it's not a lot. But what really helped me was kicking out dairy. Dairy was causing me to break out as well along with sugar consumption.

Apr 11, 2013

Dinorah R.

I'm 39...40 this Sunday and still getting acne ;)
I tried everything but now is part of my life...!!

May 7, 2013

Trish F.

I'm 29 & still have acne. I think my acne is due to stress + hormones. Try not to eat so much food with added hormones, (I.e. milk & cheese) if your problem is due to hormones. I don't exercise but drink plenty of water (that's all I drink really), don't drink alcohol (that often at least!), I've taken vitamins & walk a hour 5 days aweek for exercise, as well as use the right products for my type of skin but I still get flare ups. Esp around my chin. And it doesn't help that I'm allergic to most tooth paste! It's all very frustrating.