I want to go lilac but my boyfriend strongly disagrees.. Help :(


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Jul 7, 2012

Kayli H.

The underside of my hair is already a deep violet, and my boyfriend loves it, but every time I bring up going full on purple he shuts down my ideas super quick. He is in the Airforce and he says he doesn't want my hair to stand out when I'm visiting him on base because it might get him in trouble/ I'll be to recognizable if I spend the night (not really allowed but not really enforced haha). ANYWAY.
What do you guys think? Is there a temporary dye I could use just to see what it would look like? I can't use manic panic because that stains my hair so much haha I use that underneath and I can go like two months without having to redo it. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

Jul 8, 2012

Mary P.

As a Marine Wife, i would have to agree with your boyfriend since i'm familiar with rules on base. He's being honest & your better off dying your hair normal colors, not outrageous ones. Try those temporary color strands by Sultra, sold at Sephora. 

I think you should do whatever you want with your hair. You're not the one in the Airforce, therefore, it's your decision, and those ridiculous rules do not apply to you.

Jul 8, 2012

Mary P.

Victoria, they are not "ridiculous rules". If you are not Military, you won't understand so don't bash & judge.

Kayli H. - if your going to color your hair purple, go for it. You can wear a hat if you need to hide it, lol! :-)

Jul 10, 2012

Mindy N.

I say dye your hair - You Only Live Once! You can always find cute ways to wear it up with a scarf or cute hat to cover it so it doesn't stand out too much.

Jul 10, 2012

Bec S.

I wanted to have color in my hair, but didn't want the fuss of having to maintain it. My solution was to get extensions: http://www.beautylish.com/f/azrryi/at-the-acid-test?ref=modal

Probably not so cool for low-key base visits, but definitely a great way to temporarily satisfy the itch of wanting colorful hair! Also remember there are great things that can be done with wigs (either colorful wigs over normal hair or the opposite.)

After having my colorful braids I also appreciated my normal hair color more. I still love having colorful hair, but this way I can enjoy both!

Andrea F.

Jul 11, 2012

Andrea F.

I think you should definently do it if you want to!!! Lilac hair is amazing! You should do it and if you need to hide it just use a hat or beanie or something. Do it do it do it :) 

Jul 11, 2012

Magan R.

I say do what you want. It's your hair. My husband honestly loves it when I change my hair color. 

Jul 11, 2012

Shelley W.

You're not married to him so his opinion is mute. If it makes you happy then go for it. If he's worried about you standing out as you violate a rule that isn't being enforced throw on a baseball cap and call it a day. 

It's your hair, do what you like. Wear a scarf/hat when you visit him.

Jul 12, 2012

Bec S.

Another temporary solution is to go with hair-chalking!

Jul 13, 2012

Kayli H.

Haha thanks for the awesome responses!! :) I think what I'm going to do is put a little dye in my conditioner at the ends of my hair whenever I wash it so it builds color slowly from the tips up :) He'll just have to live with visiting me more often!! I promised I would do his laundry if he came over too hahaha :P