Hair / makeup


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Aug 13, 2013

Kendall P.

I need help with my hair and makeup for the first day of school I'm going to be in 7th grade

I like to look at pics and step by step stuff to

Aug 13, 2013

Karen S.

Make up, bb cream, powder, mascara, lip gloss, hair : you could curl or straighten it :)

Aug 13, 2013

Laura K.

I think it should be more simple I'm staring eighth grade and all I think you eould need is a thine line for eyeliner a light coat of maskara ad if you have any ance covering up will be step 1 primer
2 concealer 3 foundation 4 set spay and remember to always keep your lips and skin mosturized and for hair keep it natural cuz you don't want to look like a your trying too hard and add a clear gloss no heavy colors

Aug 13, 2013

Abby P.

Neutral eyeshadow (if you want) concealer, powder, pink blush, mascara, very thin line of eyeliner, and put a white eyeshadow in your inner corner to brighten and open your eyes to make you look awake.(:

Aug 13, 2013

Kendall P.

I need pics

Aug 13, 2013

Symone B.


Aug 13, 2013

Symone B.
