Banana disaster!! Help!


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Aug 21, 2013

Daria A.

Okay, so this probably sounds pretty dumb, but I was reading online about how to make your hair all shiny and soft and I found out about banana masks. So I purée a banana with is not chunky at all and basically baby food. So I go through the process and now there are tiny bits of banana all in my hair and it looks like I have really bad dandruff! Does anyone know how to get it out? Help, I have school tomorrow!!

Aug 21, 2013

Melissa M.

Try washing your roots really good two or three times. Did the banana thingy work? lol xx

Aug 21, 2013

Daria A.

Melissa- It actually did work, but I would never do it again though lol.

Aug 21, 2013

Daria A.

Thnx Vicky

Aug 21, 2013

Mayra S.

Just brush it out. But make sure your hair is dry... It will be easier.