Anti_ageing products.. When?


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Aug 21, 2013

Patricia P.

I would say maybe in your mid to late 20s. Anything sooner could be damaging to the skin.

Aug 21, 2013

Marisol C.

Now! lol I think everyone over 21 should use an eye cream. I would say 25-30 for all over anti aging :)

Aug 21, 2013

Nike S.

I agree.. I read something about don't use retinol just yet in you 20s and early 30s.

Aug 21, 2013

Sabrina K.

I was once told by a dermatologist that you should slowly start with anti ageing products when you start wearing make up, but I agree with Patricia, when you are in you mid 20 you should definitely start :)

Aug 21, 2013

Nehal K.

Earlier the better...A good skincare routine is a must...You will thank yourself later...Start with investing in a good eye cream and a night time moisturizer...Skin repairs itself while you sleep...Since you are already in your mid 30's you could also try a retinol based product!! Gud luck :)

Aug 21, 2013

Mary R.

I agree mid twenties.

Aug 21, 2013

Alessia c.

I'm 23 and I just started using vitamin c serum which is antiaging since it boosts collagen. I mainly got it to lighten some of my hyperpigmentation marks and knowing it's good for my skin makes me feel less guilty about buying it lol. I tell myself my clarisonic is antiaging as well because of the circulation. I've read people saying their lines have been dimished after using it. I can't comment on that part cuz I don't have any yet but so far I feel like I'm being good to my skin lol.

Aug 21, 2013

Traci L.

Early 20 its never to early 18 19 you wanna prevent the signs of aging from occuring so retinol ,peptides,a good c serum and antioxidants as well as spf daily are staples in anti-aging.

Aug 21, 2013

Natasha D.

Well first of all, give yourself a good cleanse and drink lots of water, I say this because the skin can become dehydtrated which can result in fine lines, dehydration lines you can mistake for wrinkles, do this then look closer at your skin if you see any fine lines then try the anti aging products, If the lines disappear one you've hydrated then just try ahydrating eye cream.

Aug 21, 2013

Shanda R.

Just make sure it's age appropriate. Anti aging creams target specific age groups based on the needs of their skin. In your twenties focus on oil free hydration and keeping pores tight. In your 30's it's about first signs of aging like fine lines etc...the BEST anti aging product you can use starts when you're a kid...SUNSCREEN!!

Aug 22, 2013

Traci L.

I'm sorry @shanda I disagree I have been a Esthetician for 8 years and I no for a fact you do not wait until your 30 to start a anti aging rountine you start as soon as possible by the age of 30 your already have collagen loss an free radical damage that you can prevent if you start early

Aug 22, 2013

Shanda R.

Providing your skin with proper hydration and addressing the needs of the skin in your 20's is an anti aging regime. It is preventative and helps your skin retain elasticity and fights free radicals. I wasn't suggesting that she SHOULDN't start in her 20's but people shouldn't be using heavy creams that target older skin. I respect your opinion but I too have been in the beauty industry for 15 years.

Aug 22, 2013

Shanda R.

Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at New York’s Mt. Sinai Medical Center,condly, using these products in your 20s may be unnecessary. "Some skin care products claim to increase cell turnover or to repair collagen breakdown," Zeichner says. "In your 20s, you have excellent turnover without any help, and your skin is fully capable of repairing itself. The downside is that these products may irritate your skin or make it more sensitive to the sun."

Aug 22, 2013

Traci L.

Of coarse hydration is a part of anti aging a very small part if you wanna take anti aging serious an as you say you are in the beauty industry then you know that retinoids are the goal standard in skin care recommend by dermatologist an started at a early age peptides an vitamin c and antioxidants are not age specific they are for all ages an these are all in serum form I never said a heavy cream and just using spf alone does not protect you against free radical damage it needs to be paired with super antioxidants such as vitamin c e 

Aug 22, 2013

Traci L.

I do agree that some products can cause more damage than good however thats where research comes in

Aug 22, 2013

Shanda R.

I, like you, respectfully disagree. Thank you for the lesson though. :-)

Aug 22, 2013

Traci L.

Lol I like you too and it was a pleasure talkin to you.

Kitty R.
